Friday, January 13, 2012


SO! For christmas, there were two things I wanted. Just two. And my lovely family helped me out with both of them. One is silly, one is serious. Oh, and I shaved my head, in case any of you guys didn't know that...
I got a sonic screwdriver! For those of you who don't know, this comes from a TV show called Doctor Who. He is a time traveling alien with awesome technology, and this particular item, which can open doors, reprogram stuff, take readings of stuff (mine does none of these, mine just glows and makes noise and expands and contracts) and various other awesome things that need to be done, and the writers need a one-size-fits-all tech device to handle these jobs. I have become quite the Whovian in the past 6 months (watched the entire 6 season reboot run in about 2 or 3 months). Anyway, this is the screwdriver of the 11th doctor, who is my favorite, and I very much identify with him. So now I have his screwdriver, and I just like to point it and make it make noises because it makes me feel awesome. Doctor Who is all about living in this world, but that this universe is way more cool and complicated than we ever expected. This screwdriver is my way of playing make-believe. Long story short: Doctor Who is all about remembering the giddy joy of being a child seeing new things.
So I'd like to thank Jim for getting it for me, it makes me very happy, and I hope to hold on to it for a long time!

In other Doctor Who news: my roomie bought me this TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space - it's the Doctor's time machine, and it is a huge spaceship that is bigger on the inside and disguises itself as a 1950's London police box) mug. This thing is awesome, when you pour hot liquid into it, the TARDIS disappears from this side of the mug
And reappears on the other side! (The weird noise is the TARDIS engines, I just love that noise. The song is the Doctor Who theme song, 11th doctor rendition)

So those were silly gifts, but I also bought for myself with my christmas money a pair of fire fans.
I had been training with someone elses fire fans, but they were a bit flimsy and old, and they eventually broke (note: I didn't break them, they were very old and lived a long life, I just worked them very hard when I adopted them) and so I had to get some new ones. I went and bought the big brother (heavyweight) version of the fans I had before, and they FINALLY got here. Anyway, I had my first burn with them on wednesday night, so this is the fans after just being used. Very grateful to my family who helped me buy them, and helped me to continue my fan crusade (that's another post, I fear) and circus/fire exploration.

Then, I went and bought myself a present, one that I have wanted for a while, and I am actually going to get to wear it for a party next month (and anytime I want, really...)
I bought myself... wait for it: a corset! Yes, I know, not exactly the body for a corset, but I got an underbust one, and those work surprisingly well for male bodies.
It is all black and shiny and has shiny buckles on it. Not real buckles, purely decorational, but they do their job well. Anyway, I love it.

So I think that's it for christmas stuffs. Thank you again to the family for being so fantastic while I was up there, and for helping me get my fire fans. Hopefully there will be a video of those soon.

Happy New Year, and I love you!

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