Thursday, February 3, 2011

A thought of the moment

And the world spins madly on.
It's times like these that I find it useful to consult my tattoos.
It also occurs to me that I have never publicly explained them, so I'll give you a full description of them

The Fireball

There is a saying "whenever God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window." Now I don't believe in God, so this doesn't do me much good, but I do believe in the idea. Whenever one idea or opportunity is coming to a close, another is beginning. When one thing in my life leaves me in a flurry of fire, another is slowly growing its way into my life.
Additionally, the ball that is burning is first of all just a ball, because fire needs something to burn (and that thing is the thing in my life that is over), it means more than that on a completely different level. The ball represents what I do with fire. Additionally, it means everything I do with my art, be it fire or aerial or dance. These arts are all painful, and even destructive, but this fireball of art growing grass is my way of reminding myself that whenever I or someone else gets hurt because of the art, it is because they are trying to bring something new into the world, that even though our arts may cause pain, through that pain can come something beautiful.

The Wave

The wave, while a much simpler description is needed, is far more ingrained in me. The main wave is a reference to my old martial arts studio (we studdied Tae Kwon Do, Chung Do Kwan, which means way of the hand and foot, school of the blue wave) and in this school, there was a motto, simple, but elegant. It was "oh well." It represented the ability to let go and try something new. This idea became linked to water for me when we read something out of bruce lee's book. He said something comparable this idea. For me, water is an exceptional thing, it has the ability to conform in any container it is placed it, to feel the forces around it, and sometimes ignore them completely, and most importantly, while it is flexible and beautiful, it is also the single strongest natural force on this planet. That is the sort of energy I want to instill in myself.
The background is simpler - the waves in the background are curvy (as supposed to the main wave which is pointy) represent the crowd from which the one different wave stands alone - this reminds me to be true to myself, individuality. The blue gradient from dark to light represents the burdens and problems of my life that I learn how to solve as I grow - this is in short, growth and learning.

So yeah, those are my tattoos. So when I am feeling particularly torn between emotions, some bad things, some good things - I just look at them. Then I remember that in order to do what is best for me, I need to remain true to myself, and allow room for learning new things and growing as a person. I need to remember that while I must feel the forces around me, I can fight them, and while I can adapt to any situation that I need to, I am also capable of breaking out of them. I need most of all to remember is that whenever things are bad, they are not unfixable. However, if by some chance they are unfixable, I will always know what to say.
"Oh Well"
~David Lader

So those are my thoughts of the evening... Off to bed now - goodnight, and when you go to sleep tonight, try to figure out what you need to remember to tell yourself when things get bad. Acknowledge them, and remind yourself why you matter. If you have any tattoos, look at them and ask yourself what they mean to you, what they remind you to think about. Then, do your best to live those ideas.

1 comment:

  1. "If you have any tattoos, look at them and ask yourself what they mean to you, what they remind you to think about. Then, do your best to live those ideas."

    This is how I feel about tattoos, they need to be more than something pretty, or cool marked into your skin. There needs to be a reason, a message, or a philosophy behind each one, that's part of the reason why I don't have one. That and because I'm a wimp.
