So here I am at my computer. Just chillen out in this space I like to call "my" room. Although, it isn't really my room, since I rent it from the person who has their name on the deed. However, the point is that I have made this space my own. It has my name on the door, my pet on my desk, my tapestry on my ceiling and my drool on the pillow. For these reasons, I declare this space "my room."
Now, I look down (not right now, but hypothetically) and I see a wee bug crawling across my foot. It might be a spider, it might be an ant, it might be an earwig, it might be any number of things. Of the bugs that could possibly be crawling across my bare foot, some of them are harmful to me should they bite me, some of them are not. Some that are harmful will only bite if provoked, others will bite you for seemingly no reason. For this reason, until I gain uberbugknowledge, I treat all creepy crawlies as dangerous.
So I see this bug, and I kill it. I kill it dead. If it's on my windowsill, maybe I'll give it a breath and make it fly off into the night - bugs just bounce when they hit the ground anyway. But if it is in my room - it gets a death sentence. No questions asked - ever.
Now, my vegan friend is sitting next to me. My militant vegan friend. I'm not talking "I don't eat animal products" vegan, I'm talking "violence to all animals in all cases is wrong all of the time" kind of vegan. Intense, rare, and somewhat frightening vegan.
Now, humans are animals - we evolved from other animals, as did the insect I have now on the underside of my boot. I am clearly above this insect on the food chain, nobody is gonna deny that.
You know what else is an animal? A bear. And bears do this really cool thing, just like most mammals will do, that when you go into their house, they will make your existence miserable until you are dead or you leave. Try sticking your hand into a rabbit den sometime and see how long it takes you to start bleeding. Or, if you are really adventurous, sneak up on some Javelinas when they are sleeping and poke it in the face. You are going to get hurt, because you poked a badger with a spoon. You did something to this animal in it's environment that it did not appreciate, and it attacked you, which it was well within it's rights to do. If you were to meet this same badger out and about, doing it's badger stuff, and you've got your spoon at the ready, just in case - the badger will almost certainly leave you alone until you are a threat (and spoons are not terribly threatening).
The same is true of me. If you are an unwanted animal, and you find your way into my room, I am well within my rights as dictated by the laws of nature, to smite you out of existence if I can, or at the very least, chase you away. If you are an animal that I know for a fact is non-threatening (lizard, calm chihuahua, etc.) I will chase you away, but if there is a chance that you could hurt me in my attempts to subdue and get rid of you, I'm going to shoot to kill, because this is a human residence. We are all over the place - you'd think animals would learn by now what a house smells like - rabbits know better than to crawl into caves that smell like bears, squirrels know better than to crawl under dark rocks, and if they havn't learned how not to end up in a human residence, that is their own fault. I am selecting against the stupid animals. I am a force of nature.
By saying that we should never harm any sort of animal life ever, you are, in fact, going against the tendencies and laws of nature.
If you are in my house, and you have not been invited in, I am well within my rights as an animal to make sure you don't come back, by any means that I deem necessary. This is why you can get away with harming burglars if they break in. It's self defense.
So you know what militant vegans? You are the one going against nature, I'm just being an animal, and I'm just fine with that, thank you very much.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Everyone Loves A Good Monologue
So I have been thinking recently, what are my favorite monologues?
Anyway, I thought about it, and I narrowed it down to three.
And here they are, not ranked in order of how much I like them, because they all do different things for me.
If you click on the title, it will take you to a video so you can hear them, and the text under is the transcription.
1. The President from Independence Day
Anyway, I thought about it, and I narrowed it down to three.
And here they are, not ranked in order of how much I like them, because they all do different things for me.
If you click on the title, it will take you to a video so you can hear them, and the text under is the transcription.
1. The President from Independence Day
Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. "Mankind." That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!”
ZION, HEAR ME: It is true what many of you have heard, the machines have gathered an army and as I speak that army is drawing nearer to our home. Believe me when I say we have a difficult time ahead of us. But if we are to be prepared for it, we must first shed our fear of it. I stand here, before you now, truthfully unafraid. Why? Because I believe something you do not? No, I stand here without fear because I remember. I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me. I remember that for 100 years we have fought these machines. I remember that for 100 years they have sent their armies to destroy us, and after a century of war I remember that which matters most... We are still here! Tonight, let us send a message to that army. Tonight, let us shake this cave. Tonight, let us tremble these walls of earth, steel, and stone, let us be heard from red core to black sky. Tonight, let us make them remember, THIS IS ZION AND WE ARE NOT AFRAID!
Sorry, sorry - dropped it
Hello, Stonehenge! Who takes the Pandorica, takes the universe, but, bad news everyone, ‘cause guess who! Ha! Listen, you lot you’re all whizzing about. It’s really very distracting. Could you all just stay still a minute because…I AM TALKING!
Now the question of the hour is, “Who’s got the Pandorica?” Answer: I do.
Next question: Who’s coming to take it from me?
Come on! Look at me! No plan, no back-up, no weapons worth a damn! Oh, and something else I don’t have: Anything to lose!!!
So! If you’re sitting up there in your silly little spaceships with all your silly little guns and you’ve got any plans on taking the Pandorica tonight, just remember who’s standing in your way! Remember every BLACK DAY I ever stopped you and then, and then… do the smart thing: Let somebody else try first
That’ll keep ‘em squabbling for half an hour... Romans...
All of these speeches have one very important thing - they are all about power of the powerless.
Whether it is the humans going up against the space travelling aliens with lazer weapons, the humans going up against the machines (the war which devastated the world) or the Doctor going up against every big bad in the universe, all of these speeches are about realizing that even when you have no power, you have power, because you have your thoughts, and you have your will, and you have your words, and nobody, not ever, can take those away from you.
What are your favorite monologues/speeches? What words have moved you so deeply that they stick with you? What words can make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, when you are filled with such strong emotion? Words and language are arguably the most powerful force we can exert on one another, and what we do with them is so incredibly important - how will you use your wors?
What are your favorite monologues/speeches? What words have moved you so deeply that they stick with you? What words can make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, when you are filled with such strong emotion? Words and language are arguably the most powerful force we can exert on one another, and what we do with them is so incredibly important - how will you use your wors?
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Survivor's Guilt
I want to talk for a bit about survivor's guilt. It won't be a long post I hope, but it is something I want to get down. First, as always when talking about touchy subjects, a disclaimer. I know that survivor guilt is no longer a DSM classified disorder and listed as a symptom of PTSD. That is to say, when I talk about survivor's guilt in the context I plan, I am not meaning any offense to the people who experience this as a symptom of a psychological disorder. I recognize that they are not the same thing (though similar ideas) and I do not mean to trivialize your struggle with it, I just want to take the idea and use it to talk about a related, though less extreme, situation I have been a part of.
That being, said, let's move on.
I grew up in Tucson, AZ. Arizona has a lot of problems, and I would say that Tucson has the same problems, but less of them, and to a lesser degree. The racism and sexism and homophobia that I have heard about going on in the public school systems across this country are terrible, and Arizona has them too. But we didn't. I went to an alternative elementary school, and then a middle school and high school that was so tight knit that if anyone were subjected to the kinds of bullying I've seen in the news recently, there would be hell to pay in a minute. The teachers cared, the students cared, and everyone worked to create a solid learning environment where everyone felt safe - I know I did. BASIS is a good example of how to run a program without bullying.
I have always been good at standing up for myself. I take very little crap, and I take it from a small list of people. If a stranger starts giving me flak, I do not back down - I have been this way for quite some time, ever since I found my voice.
I see these kids on the news, like the Michigan kid getting repeatedly punched in the face after being ambushed IN A SCHOOL CLASSROOM and Matt, who the new michigan law (I don't know if it passed, but it basically says "no bullying, unless you can think of a moral or religious reason for it," and as one senator said, they are not stopping bullying, they are providing a blueprint for it, telling people exactly how to get away with it) was created in honor of - called Matt's Safe School Law - was bullyed at school to the point of his suicide 40 days after having syrup and eggs dumped on his head for being gay (if anyone can figure out the bully's train of thought on that one, you get 10 points).
I know there are people speaking for these kids. Kevin Epling, Matt's father now works for an organization called Bullypolice USA, speaks for these kids. Gretchen Whitmer, who spoke on just how terrible the new law is, speaks for these kids. The adults are speaking for these kids. The GLSEN (gay lesbian straight education network) works with politicians and parents around the country to get policy changed to help these kids. I am a bisexual genderqueer kid who has NEVER faced any adversity. None. I mean, I get the stray faggot remark, the occasional tranny catcall, I've even been called a buttpirate a few times in my life (those were kinda funny, actually) but I have never been subjected to what I would consider bullying - not ever. Here I am, someone who knows what life can be like outside of bullying as an othergendered and othersexualized kid who grew up with a talent for speaking big words and standing up or himself, and what the hell am I doing about it?
There are all these kids around who are hurting, and I have no idea how to help. UO has one of the highest ratings of any public university in the nation in terms of friendliness towards the LGBT community. When they have events in public, people either come by and have a good time, or they just walk past - we never get harassed or heckled. I have students and friends in the 4J school district (equivalent of TUSD for Eugene) and I've never heard of anything like the things happening in Michigan happening here. It's like I moved from one little bubble (high school) to another (Eugene) where everything in fine, even though there are messed up kids and situations all across this nation.
So I guess I am feeling a mixture of survivor's guilt, that I got out of high school without any damage, mixed with a little bit of guilt for having the ability to affect change, and not acting on it, because I am too busy enjoying my perfect little life in my socially conscious and accepting bubble of a city.
What's a guy to do?
That being, said, let's move on.
I grew up in Tucson, AZ. Arizona has a lot of problems, and I would say that Tucson has the same problems, but less of them, and to a lesser degree. The racism and sexism and homophobia that I have heard about going on in the public school systems across this country are terrible, and Arizona has them too. But we didn't. I went to an alternative elementary school, and then a middle school and high school that was so tight knit that if anyone were subjected to the kinds of bullying I've seen in the news recently, there would be hell to pay in a minute. The teachers cared, the students cared, and everyone worked to create a solid learning environment where everyone felt safe - I know I did. BASIS is a good example of how to run a program without bullying.
I have always been good at standing up for myself. I take very little crap, and I take it from a small list of people. If a stranger starts giving me flak, I do not back down - I have been this way for quite some time, ever since I found my voice.
I see these kids on the news, like the Michigan kid getting repeatedly punched in the face after being ambushed IN A SCHOOL CLASSROOM and Matt, who the new michigan law (I don't know if it passed, but it basically says "no bullying, unless you can think of a moral or religious reason for it," and as one senator said, they are not stopping bullying, they are providing a blueprint for it, telling people exactly how to get away with it) was created in honor of - called Matt's Safe School Law - was bullyed at school to the point of his suicide 40 days after having syrup and eggs dumped on his head for being gay (if anyone can figure out the bully's train of thought on that one, you get 10 points).
I know there are people speaking for these kids. Kevin Epling, Matt's father now works for an organization called Bullypolice USA, speaks for these kids. Gretchen Whitmer, who spoke on just how terrible the new law is, speaks for these kids. The adults are speaking for these kids. The GLSEN (gay lesbian straight education network) works with politicians and parents around the country to get policy changed to help these kids. I am a bisexual genderqueer kid who has NEVER faced any adversity. None. I mean, I get the stray faggot remark, the occasional tranny catcall, I've even been called a buttpirate a few times in my life (those were kinda funny, actually) but I have never been subjected to what I would consider bullying - not ever. Here I am, someone who knows what life can be like outside of bullying as an othergendered and othersexualized kid who grew up with a talent for speaking big words and standing up or himself, and what the hell am I doing about it?
There are all these kids around who are hurting, and I have no idea how to help. UO has one of the highest ratings of any public university in the nation in terms of friendliness towards the LGBT community. When they have events in public, people either come by and have a good time, or they just walk past - we never get harassed or heckled. I have students and friends in the 4J school district (equivalent of TUSD for Eugene) and I've never heard of anything like the things happening in Michigan happening here. It's like I moved from one little bubble (high school) to another (Eugene) where everything in fine, even though there are messed up kids and situations all across this nation.
So I guess I am feeling a mixture of survivor's guilt, that I got out of high school without any damage, mixed with a little bit of guilt for having the ability to affect change, and not acting on it, because I am too busy enjoying my perfect little life in my socially conscious and accepting bubble of a city.
What's a guy to do?
Monday, October 17, 2011
Beauty In The World
Because of my choice in friends - people who are open to alternatives to the gender and sexuality binary, people who don't buy in to all the stuff that I write and complain about - I tend to be friends with a lot of people who could very easily be described as hippies. Which means that as a result of this, I am exposed to a great amount of stuff that could also very easily be described as "hippie dippie" or "woo woo" stuff.
Now, I am going to save us all a lot of time and reading by summing up my opinion on this stuff: do not believe. I believe the woo woo to be on the same level as the invisible creation man in the sky who punishes and rewards one species on one planet in one solar system of the entire universe that he created.
In case you are unclear about what I mean by the woo woo, I shall clarify, because there is some hippie dippie stuff that happens to not fall under the woo woo category (y'know, because there is scientific evidence for it). Things that do (and of course, this is opinion, not fact, as I am not an expert): astrology, homeopathy, energy work done through simple touch (massage is not this), praying to your God or Goddess of choice, and many other things that I would need to be reminded of, but you'll see the pattern here soon enough.
The pattern here is simple, and is in fact the exact same reason I have a problem with sports stars thanking God when they win the game. It is the same reason I have a problem with people going to confession to get forgiveness for their sins. All of these remove the humanity from a choice.
From a christian perspective: when you do well, it is God's work, when you do poorly, it is your fault (yay guilt!).
From a non-christian perspective: when you get better, it is because someone touched you in just the right way, or because the onion juice you diluted into oblivion cured you, and if you get sick, it is because your diet is full of pollutants and you havn't cleared your body of the nasties that wander in through your food.
When someone is strong and independent and knows what they want, and you ask them their birthday and you respond, "oh, it all makes sense now - you are Scoprio!" and or maybe it's "oh, you are Leo!" or maybe "oh you are Taurus"
Go look at all of the signs at the same time, and you will see an absurd amount of overlap.
"I know why you did it. You were afraid, who wouldn't be?" These beliefs granted you safety. That there was something up there watching us, be it a God or the idea of all creatures being connected, or that the stars and their gravitational pull on each other somehow has any effect on my personal characteristics. It makes sense to see patterns in humanity, but the criterion for the patterns is way too loose, and as science has shown, humans are fantastic at forgetting things that hurt us and/or don't fit with the way we want to be.
And if that is all it is, to make yourselves feel better, I can completely understand why you did it. But please, consider what it is doing to you when you are not looking - it is removing the humanity from Choice. I value choice above all else - it is what defines me personally as alive - my ability to choose. A plant lives, a plankton lives, but there are only select creatures on this planet who are truly alive. Most if not all of them fall in the animal kingdom.
These beliefs do not remove choice from people, but they at least partially remove the idea that the things that follow from your choices are directly following from those choices. Credit is not being given where credit is due. If you pray for your God to help you out, and then you finally confront your drunken father who has been abusing you and you get him arrested and into rehab and your family doesn't fall apart - it is not because of God. It is because you were an impossibly strong human being who was able to step up and take responsibility for your own life and make things better. If you are sick and someone poked you a couple times and you go around being nice and feeling better, it is not because someone shifted your energy pathways, it is because you decided that you were tired of wearing the grumpypants and that you wanted to make a change in your life.
But the problem with people, is that we generally do not believe ourselves to be impossibly strong. We are told our whole lives that we are weak, that we need help. We know that change is hard, we know that it is sometimes impossible. So we invent things to serve as catalysts for change, when in reality they are not catalysts, they are excuses to get things rolling.
So when something happens to me like the things that have happened recently - one after the other, events seem to be happening around me that are exactly what I need. Huge potential for things to blow up in my face and ruin a lot of things for me are not blowing up - and random acts of kindness from people are. Stuff in my life has just been working recently. And from a woo woo or God perspective, the stars are aligned in some way, or I did something to deserve this.
I believe none of that. I believe in coincidence. I believe that a lot of stuff has been going well for me, and I am so incredibly grateful for that. And when things start to go poorly, because they will, because nothing good ever lasts (because life is imperfect), I will realize that it is a coincidence, and that I need to work hard to turn things around. I will not blame it on Venus or Mercury going retrograde. I will not blame it on the gays. I will not blame it on the thetans inhabiting my body. I will blame it on life being what it is and then take responsibility for fixing it.
Try this for a week: when things go well, be happy about them and when things go wrong, be sad about them. Do not ascribe any meaning to the events beyond the events themselves - see the beauty in the good, and the ugly in the bad. Enjoy the beauty, and eschew the bad.
When people say that atheists see no joy or beauty in the world, they are off base - we see just as much beauty, because we look at the world and we see the world in all of its glory and power, and to a lot of atheists, there is nothing more beautiful than that.
Now, I am going to save us all a lot of time and reading by summing up my opinion on this stuff: do not believe. I believe the woo woo to be on the same level as the invisible creation man in the sky who punishes and rewards one species on one planet in one solar system of the entire universe that he created.
In case you are unclear about what I mean by the woo woo, I shall clarify, because there is some hippie dippie stuff that happens to not fall under the woo woo category (y'know, because there is scientific evidence for it). Things that do (and of course, this is opinion, not fact, as I am not an expert): astrology, homeopathy, energy work done through simple touch (massage is not this), praying to your God or Goddess of choice, and many other things that I would need to be reminded of, but you'll see the pattern here soon enough.
The pattern here is simple, and is in fact the exact same reason I have a problem with sports stars thanking God when they win the game. It is the same reason I have a problem with people going to confession to get forgiveness for their sins. All of these remove the humanity from a choice.
From a christian perspective: when you do well, it is God's work, when you do poorly, it is your fault (yay guilt!).
From a non-christian perspective: when you get better, it is because someone touched you in just the right way, or because the onion juice you diluted into oblivion cured you, and if you get sick, it is because your diet is full of pollutants and you havn't cleared your body of the nasties that wander in through your food.
When someone is strong and independent and knows what they want, and you ask them their birthday and you respond, "oh, it all makes sense now - you are Scoprio!" and or maybe it's "oh, you are Leo!" or maybe "oh you are Taurus"
Go look at all of the signs at the same time, and you will see an absurd amount of overlap.
"I know why you did it. You were afraid, who wouldn't be?" These beliefs granted you safety. That there was something up there watching us, be it a God or the idea of all creatures being connected, or that the stars and their gravitational pull on each other somehow has any effect on my personal characteristics. It makes sense to see patterns in humanity, but the criterion for the patterns is way too loose, and as science has shown, humans are fantastic at forgetting things that hurt us and/or don't fit with the way we want to be.
And if that is all it is, to make yourselves feel better, I can completely understand why you did it. But please, consider what it is doing to you when you are not looking - it is removing the humanity from Choice. I value choice above all else - it is what defines me personally as alive - my ability to choose. A plant lives, a plankton lives, but there are only select creatures on this planet who are truly alive. Most if not all of them fall in the animal kingdom.
These beliefs do not remove choice from people, but they at least partially remove the idea that the things that follow from your choices are directly following from those choices. Credit is not being given where credit is due. If you pray for your God to help you out, and then you finally confront your drunken father who has been abusing you and you get him arrested and into rehab and your family doesn't fall apart - it is not because of God. It is because you were an impossibly strong human being who was able to step up and take responsibility for your own life and make things better. If you are sick and someone poked you a couple times and you go around being nice and feeling better, it is not because someone shifted your energy pathways, it is because you decided that you were tired of wearing the grumpypants and that you wanted to make a change in your life.
But the problem with people, is that we generally do not believe ourselves to be impossibly strong. We are told our whole lives that we are weak, that we need help. We know that change is hard, we know that it is sometimes impossible. So we invent things to serve as catalysts for change, when in reality they are not catalysts, they are excuses to get things rolling.
So when something happens to me like the things that have happened recently - one after the other, events seem to be happening around me that are exactly what I need. Huge potential for things to blow up in my face and ruin a lot of things for me are not blowing up - and random acts of kindness from people are. Stuff in my life has just been working recently. And from a woo woo or God perspective, the stars are aligned in some way, or I did something to deserve this.
I believe none of that. I believe in coincidence. I believe that a lot of stuff has been going well for me, and I am so incredibly grateful for that. And when things start to go poorly, because they will, because nothing good ever lasts (because life is imperfect), I will realize that it is a coincidence, and that I need to work hard to turn things around. I will not blame it on Venus or Mercury going retrograde. I will not blame it on the gays. I will not blame it on the thetans inhabiting my body. I will blame it on life being what it is and then take responsibility for fixing it.
Try this for a week: when things go well, be happy about them and when things go wrong, be sad about them. Do not ascribe any meaning to the events beyond the events themselves - see the beauty in the good, and the ugly in the bad. Enjoy the beauty, and eschew the bad.
When people say that atheists see no joy or beauty in the world, they are off base - we see just as much beauty, because we look at the world and we see the world in all of its glory and power, and to a lot of atheists, there is nothing more beautiful than that.
thought experiment,
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Earthdance Northwest
Alright, so I am finally getting around to doing this post, because I finally have some freetime! Yay freetime!
So, Earthdance is a festival that goes on around the world, and the idea is to have many people stomping the earth at the same exact time as possible, and dance we did.
I was hired to come and perform my Fyrieth routine, as well as perform with some Fire Fans and do some Aerial Rope work. Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures of Fyrieth, no pictures of rope, and only two really crappy pictures of the fans - but we'll get to those later.
So I went to this thing by myself and decided that if I was gonna do this by myself, I was gonna be by myself - so I camped in the most secluded spot I could fine. I know it was secluded, because nobody in their right mind would ever climb the hill you had to get to to find me.
I loved my little campsite, but only slept there once, because it rained the second night, and my friends took pity on me and let me sleep in their tent so I didn't have to climb my hill in the rain.
So Friday afternoon, we went to set up the aerial rope - but did we have a portable rig? No. Did we have a lift and really secure rig points? Kinda. We had a ladder and a badass geodome.
You may notice in this picture that the intersection looks a little warped - that is because when we hooked it up, it was kinda shaky, so we inverted that little hexagon so it wouldn't invert while I was performing Saturday night. Freaky? Oh yeah. Worth it? You bet your buttons it was.
So, Earthdance is a festival that goes on around the world, and the idea is to have many people stomping the earth at the same exact time as possible, and dance we did.
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Main (Earth) Stage on the left, lighting guru hut in the middle, I was sitting next to the fire when I took this |
So I went to this thing by myself and decided that if I was gonna do this by myself, I was gonna be by myself - so I camped in the most secluded spot I could fine. I know it was secluded, because nobody in their right mind would ever climb the hill you had to get to to find me.
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The view from inside my tent, opens up into the most beautiful little clearing - very much my sanctuary |
So Friday afternoon, we went to set up the aerial rope - but did we have a portable rig? No. Did we have a lift and really secure rig points? Kinda. We had a ladder and a badass geodome.
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You can see my rope hanging from one of the intersections |
Ended up making some really awesome friends too, including one woman who I met randomly while we were setting up, and she was kinda my buddy all weekend.
She is also one of the strangest human beings I have ever met, and I hope I get to see her again someday.
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Ms. Adrienne Mountain |
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The Human Peacock |
We spent a solid 20 minutes trying to get those feathers in place, there are about 40 of them, and they wouldn't stay put. Eventually we gave up, but we got this fantastic photo out of it.
The other cool thing about this lady - we did a trade and I ended up with some new clothes.
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My new garter belt with acid washed jean leggings. |
I got these friday afternoon and pretty much wore them all weekend. I slept in them friday night I loved them so much. I even performed fire fans in them (we'll get to those pictures in a bit).
So that shirt is the other piece of clothing I wore all weekend, because it was absurdly comfy, and just a little bit sexy.
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And of course, the leather jacket that I wore all weekend - warmth and waterproofing! |
So friday night I performed Fyrieth, which we have no pictures of, so you will just have to use your imagination. Saturday night however was the big night. There were about a dozen fire performers, with everything from fans, hoops and staves (note: staves - three of them - at the same time. I KNOW!) to poi and weird tonfa-esque things, but with several wicks pointing off of it. Oh, and there was a dude with a Fire Wand as well. Anyway, we burned for a bit, and someone snapped these two terrible pictures of me doing my fans.
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Me in my leggings rocking fans the way I like it - shirtless |
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I think that is a hooper next to me |
I did most of my burning in my giant leather coat because I wasn't getting paid, so I was going to protect myself, and it lets me do more stuff with the fire close to my body, but hey - it ya got it, flaunt it right? So I had to do a shirtless set too.
Anyway, then we got to the aerial performance. Note to aerialists: if someone wants you to perform at night in a geodome with strobe lights 10 feet from the speakers that are blasting dubstep at an earsplitting (insert large number here) decibles... DO IT. Don't get me wrong, it was loud and I couldn't see a damned thing, but if you are good enough to do your aerial work blind, you will never have a better chance to put on an amazing show. Anyway, I busted out tons of strength based work (the other aerialist was a flexible silks artist, so I figured I'd contrast that with what I do best) and did a really complicated routine, but I did it at the speed of a snail. In most things, that would be boring, but when every move you make in the air looks like it is in slow motion, it catches attention.
I just about threw up from dizziness (not being able to tell which way is up will do that to you) and exhaustion afterwords, but I had a blast performing.
Anyway, that was it for the performance for me - after you lay pretty much naked in the wet grass at midnight in 40 degree weather and you are still too hot, you know it is time to hang it up and call it quits. So I danced some more, and then the rain came and we slept. Then I got up and danced some more and then we went home.
And then I slept like a friggen rock for the rest of the day - oh, and school started the next morning at 9am - I was really tempted to wear the leggings and just mess with everyone I met. But I didn't.
So that was earthdance. I wish I hadn't gone alone, it would have been much more fun with a companion, but it was a great experience, and I would do it again in a heartbeat!
Acrobalance is ROCKING
So about two months ago I started an acrobalance group in the park, just as a place for us to play around, and it really picked up. If you don't know what acrobalance is, I really don't want to explain it, so I'm just going to send you to the Acro Wiki so you can go do your own research (or, in terms of my new motto, which I'm fairly certain I partially stole from my father: Go. Read. Become Educated).
Anyway, the group really picked up and we kept gaining members, and then someone pointed out something which I was avoiding thinking about - it rains in Eugene. I am not worried about the rain, actually, we can always go to a park under an overpass and work there, but it gets cold, and it gets wet, and that is just not fun. So, we moved ourselves into a brand new space called Core Star Cultural Center where they teach martial arts and yoga, basically, nice sound system, and slightly bouncy floors. Oh - and most importantly, a roof and heating.
So this was our third week in the space, and we had TWO people there who were not there by any of our invitations, they found out about us through Core Star. YAY ADVERTISING!
So this week the theme was mounts and dismounts, and we went crazy figuring out really creative and outlandish ways of getting into the simplest of positions (in fact, we did the three simplest tricks I could come up with). Anyway, the video that inspired that lesson contained within it an amazing combination that I wanted to try with my main acro man, Eli. I love this guy, he loves acro, he is really strong, and will do just about anything I can think of. So we did the combination and nailed it on the first try (almost, he tried to do a little extra, which is why you'll see him stutter a little bit on a transition) and it was amazing.
Anyway, it is just a little short 30 second video, and I wanted to share it with you, partially because I don't really have any acro videos (but we will, we have something like 20 members, and a lot of them are getting really good, so we'll start rehearsing soon), and partially because I want to brag on how awesome this is.
Many more videos and updates to come!
Oh, and how do you guys like the new blog format? I think it is kinda boring compared to my oh so colorful design I had before, but it just means I have to post more pictures and videos to keep things interesting!
Anyway, the group really picked up and we kept gaining members, and then someone pointed out something which I was avoiding thinking about - it rains in Eugene. I am not worried about the rain, actually, we can always go to a park under an overpass and work there, but it gets cold, and it gets wet, and that is just not fun. So, we moved ourselves into a brand new space called Core Star Cultural Center where they teach martial arts and yoga, basically, nice sound system, and slightly bouncy floors. Oh - and most importantly, a roof and heating.
So this was our third week in the space, and we had TWO people there who were not there by any of our invitations, they found out about us through Core Star. YAY ADVERTISING!
So this week the theme was mounts and dismounts, and we went crazy figuring out really creative and outlandish ways of getting into the simplest of positions (in fact, we did the three simplest tricks I could come up with). Anyway, the video that inspired that lesson contained within it an amazing combination that I wanted to try with my main acro man, Eli. I love this guy, he loves acro, he is really strong, and will do just about anything I can think of. So we did the combination and nailed it on the first try (almost, he tried to do a little extra, which is why you'll see him stutter a little bit on a transition) and it was amazing.
Anyway, it is just a little short 30 second video, and I wanted to share it with you, partially because I don't really have any acro videos (but we will, we have something like 20 members, and a lot of them are getting really good, so we'll start rehearsing soon), and partially because I want to brag on how awesome this is.
Oh, and how do you guys like the new blog format? I think it is kinda boring compared to my oh so colorful design I had before, but it just means I have to post more pictures and videos to keep things interesting!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
First Week Of Senior Year
So this is my third year of college at the University of Oregon, and it is also my final year. I am a senior. And as I told Janessa last night "I know right? It feels like I just f**king got here!"
So I'm going to tell you about my first week, and what I expect from this year.
I started this term out with 18 credits, now I have 15, and those credits lost turned this term from one I dreaded to one I am actually looking forward to. One class gone and everything is fixed. That class is math 307.
Math 307 is part of the mathematics department's new bridge requirement for all majors and minors. The problem was that I already took classes that this was a prereq for, so of course I hadn't taken it before. But now it was a prerequisite for almost every upper division class there is. And it is a proof class.
For those of you who don't remember, I took a proof class last year, Math 315, and I got out of it with a D, the only D my major allows. I was in a study group with 3 other people, two of them failed the course, and the other one got a C. We are all brilliant, this class is just outrageously hard. In effect, I was terrified to take another proof class that was a required class. Terrified and pissed off that they added this new requirement and that I had to restructure my major because of it, as well as take two more math classes than I was expecting to. So I show up on the first day, and I sit down next to a girl who dropped out of 315 after the first week because she just said "pft, not this term I am not going to do this" and I never saw her again. Anyway, she was asking me why I was in the class, since I took 315 already (307 is now a prereq for 315 as well) and since I had taken 315 already, why was I in the class. I responded that I didn't get a C or higher, so I cannot use my 315 credit as a prereq, and then I bitched about the addition of the bridge requirement - she responded that it wasn't retroactive - since I had declared my major before the addition of the bridge, it didn't apply to me. To make a very long a tense story very short and relaxing, she was right. I dropped 307 that afternoon, put the notebook in my box of notebooks completely empty except the back which reads "Math 307 - NOT!"
So once I dropped that class, I was free to look at what else I was taking and enjoy it. So here is the traditional first week of term class rundown where I give my opinions about them.
Lets go in order of the week
1. Linguistics 411, Phonetics.
In this class we will be taking a closer look at how sounds are made with our vocal tracts, and how to analyze the sounds with computer equpiment - we are going to read spectrographs of soundwaves. I will be able to record you saying something and look at the waveform and figure out what you said (ish) by the end of this term. The teacher seems very direct, but she is really nice and enjoys input from the class - it isn't a lecture. She asks a lot of questions of us and tries to get us to figure stuff out. Much respect for her. I think the class is going to be very informative and maybe even a little fun - which is good, because it is one of the three more classes I have to take for my linguistics minor (the other two being phonology, the study of the theory of sounds as they exist in language, but not in actual speech - much more problem solving and puzzles there, and functional syntax I, which I suppose studys functional syntax in english, but I can't really be sure).
2. Math 420: Ordinary Differential Equations
This is the first class in a three part series (420, 421, 422) on DiffEq. The second one is Partial Differential Equations and Fourier Analysis, which is going to be cool for me, because PDEs are what stumped my dad in college. I think that is cool because the only way the human race will advance is if each generation is smarter than the last, so surpassing my ancestors in terms of my chosen field is very exciting as an idea - like the whole point of education is becoming very close to being fulfilled, think about that for a minute.
Anyway, the first three weeks will be a review of Math 256 (the blog on that class can be found at the link) so that'll be nice, and the rest will be new stuff that I can't tell you about yet, because I don't know it yet. But the class should be intersting and engaging. The professor is named Yattselev, and I'm not sure where he is from, but he has a sense of humor, he really knows his shit and he is very clear about what he expects from us, which is great. Also, he is completely gorgeous, which is a total plus.
3. Philosophy 110, Human Nature
This class looks very interesting at face value, but I think I'm going to hate it. I am going to hate it for one reason - the professor is teaching philosophy history of human nature, starting with the greeks, and he is teaching it as if they were right. I assume he will do this for every single one. It is usually presented as "hey, this is what the greeks thought - what do you guys make of that?" but there was no room for discussion or argument or presenting different views. Even in a 300 person class, you can take a couple hands every few minutes to present some viewpoints. As Peter said, we are going to spend a lot of time in our heads saying "that's wrong, that's wrong..."
The prof is great at explaining things though, and I think the writing assignments will be thought provoking. Basically, the main part of the learning in this class will be done in my mind, rather than in the class - oh well.
4. African Dance I
I took african I last term as well, and you have to take at least two terms of it before you can go on to african II, so this will be same level of difficulty, with some different dances (because it is a different teacher). The cool part of this class is going to be the people. Some of my best dancer friends are in this class (I'd say my two favorite dancer friends actually) and the other kids who I don't know seem very energetic and open and very into having a good time. Lots of people there to experiment with something new, and those are the best kids to have in a level I dance class. We learned Babaye and some of Lamba (Lamba is one of the big three dances we are learning the term, the other two being Kou Kou and Nzobi) which were great, Babayo I call it that because that is the first line of the song we sing while we dance
Babayo (bah-bah-yoh)
Baba aye (bah-bah ah-yey)
Baba lorisha (bah-bah loreesha)
Baba ok (bah-bah oh-kay)
Very simple dance, but a good way to get people going.
Lamba is much more complicated, requires a lot o coordination and has a lot of capacity for improvisation within the structure, and LOTS of capacity for booty shakin', which I am a fan of.
5. African Drumming
After I took african dance last year, and started drumming this summer again (I was jamming out on a djembe, a west african hardwood drum, with my friend on a guitar and we had a blast) I decided I wanted to take a class to learn how to read music for a hand drum. I can read for drum set, but hand drumming is done by oral tradition mainly, but there is a notation, but it isn't on a staff. Class is a bit large for my taste for something like drumming, but there it is. It is going to be a fantastic time, and it is right after african, which is great.
6. Tap III
Because I could drop Math 307 (1pm, MTWF) I would then be able to take this class (1pm TR) and that makes me happier than a... than a... umm... *insert awesome analogy here*. Anyway, big class for tap III, 8 people, varied levels, but much of the same stuff. Going to be a fantastic time! The cool thing about this year is that I have been in tap III for 3 terms, so I'll take it non credit the next two terms most likely, and I am getting a piece of board to I can tap at home and drive my room mates insane. This is not official, but I am gonna say it is likely, that at the end of the year for Spring Loft, I will be able to tap in Jean's tap piece! Small group, highly complicated and well choreographed, and very very fun.
So, I have a lot of stuff to look forward to this year, a lot of fun, and a lot of work. Last year, lets go kick some butt. Allons-y! Also, I have been a total Doctor Who fan...
The other September entries:
Faerieworlds Harvest 2011
Earthdance Northwest
So I'm going to tell you about my first week, and what I expect from this year.
I started this term out with 18 credits, now I have 15, and those credits lost turned this term from one I dreaded to one I am actually looking forward to. One class gone and everything is fixed. That class is math 307.
Math 307 is part of the mathematics department's new bridge requirement for all majors and minors. The problem was that I already took classes that this was a prereq for, so of course I hadn't taken it before. But now it was a prerequisite for almost every upper division class there is. And it is a proof class.
For those of you who don't remember, I took a proof class last year, Math 315, and I got out of it with a D, the only D my major allows. I was in a study group with 3 other people, two of them failed the course, and the other one got a C. We are all brilliant, this class is just outrageously hard. In effect, I was terrified to take another proof class that was a required class. Terrified and pissed off that they added this new requirement and that I had to restructure my major because of it, as well as take two more math classes than I was expecting to. So I show up on the first day, and I sit down next to a girl who dropped out of 315 after the first week because she just said "pft, not this term I am not going to do this" and I never saw her again. Anyway, she was asking me why I was in the class, since I took 315 already (307 is now a prereq for 315 as well) and since I had taken 315 already, why was I in the class. I responded that I didn't get a C or higher, so I cannot use my 315 credit as a prereq, and then I bitched about the addition of the bridge requirement - she responded that it wasn't retroactive - since I had declared my major before the addition of the bridge, it didn't apply to me. To make a very long a tense story very short and relaxing, she was right. I dropped 307 that afternoon, put the notebook in my box of notebooks completely empty except the back which reads "Math 307 - NOT!"
So once I dropped that class, I was free to look at what else I was taking and enjoy it. So here is the traditional first week of term class rundown where I give my opinions about them.
Lets go in order of the week
1. Linguistics 411, Phonetics.
In this class we will be taking a closer look at how sounds are made with our vocal tracts, and how to analyze the sounds with computer equpiment - we are going to read spectrographs of soundwaves. I will be able to record you saying something and look at the waveform and figure out what you said (ish) by the end of this term. The teacher seems very direct, but she is really nice and enjoys input from the class - it isn't a lecture. She asks a lot of questions of us and tries to get us to figure stuff out. Much respect for her. I think the class is going to be very informative and maybe even a little fun - which is good, because it is one of the three more classes I have to take for my linguistics minor (the other two being phonology, the study of the theory of sounds as they exist in language, but not in actual speech - much more problem solving and puzzles there, and functional syntax I, which I suppose studys functional syntax in english, but I can't really be sure).
2. Math 420: Ordinary Differential Equations
This is the first class in a three part series (420, 421, 422) on DiffEq. The second one is Partial Differential Equations and Fourier Analysis, which is going to be cool for me, because PDEs are what stumped my dad in college. I think that is cool because the only way the human race will advance is if each generation is smarter than the last, so surpassing my ancestors in terms of my chosen field is very exciting as an idea - like the whole point of education is becoming very close to being fulfilled, think about that for a minute.
Anyway, the first three weeks will be a review of Math 256 (the blog on that class can be found at the link) so that'll be nice, and the rest will be new stuff that I can't tell you about yet, because I don't know it yet. But the class should be intersting and engaging. The professor is named Yattselev, and I'm not sure where he is from, but he has a sense of humor, he really knows his shit and he is very clear about what he expects from us, which is great. Also, he is completely gorgeous, which is a total plus.
3. Philosophy 110, Human Nature
This class looks very interesting at face value, but I think I'm going to hate it. I am going to hate it for one reason - the professor is teaching philosophy history of human nature, starting with the greeks, and he is teaching it as if they were right. I assume he will do this for every single one. It is usually presented as "hey, this is what the greeks thought - what do you guys make of that?" but there was no room for discussion or argument or presenting different views. Even in a 300 person class, you can take a couple hands every few minutes to present some viewpoints. As Peter said, we are going to spend a lot of time in our heads saying "that's wrong, that's wrong..."
The prof is great at explaining things though, and I think the writing assignments will be thought provoking. Basically, the main part of the learning in this class will be done in my mind, rather than in the class - oh well.
4. African Dance I
I took african I last term as well, and you have to take at least two terms of it before you can go on to african II, so this will be same level of difficulty, with some different dances (because it is a different teacher). The cool part of this class is going to be the people. Some of my best dancer friends are in this class (I'd say my two favorite dancer friends actually) and the other kids who I don't know seem very energetic and open and very into having a good time. Lots of people there to experiment with something new, and those are the best kids to have in a level I dance class. We learned Babaye and some of Lamba (Lamba is one of the big three dances we are learning the term, the other two being Kou Kou and Nzobi) which were great, Babayo I call it that because that is the first line of the song we sing while we dance
Babayo (bah-bah-yoh)
Baba aye (bah-bah ah-yey)
Baba lorisha (bah-bah loreesha)
Baba ok (bah-bah oh-kay)
Very simple dance, but a good way to get people going.
Lamba is much more complicated, requires a lot o coordination and has a lot of capacity for improvisation within the structure, and LOTS of capacity for booty shakin', which I am a fan of.
5. African Drumming
After I took african dance last year, and started drumming this summer again (I was jamming out on a djembe, a west african hardwood drum, with my friend on a guitar and we had a blast) I decided I wanted to take a class to learn how to read music for a hand drum. I can read for drum set, but hand drumming is done by oral tradition mainly, but there is a notation, but it isn't on a staff. Class is a bit large for my taste for something like drumming, but there it is. It is going to be a fantastic time, and it is right after african, which is great.
6. Tap III
Because I could drop Math 307 (1pm, MTWF) I would then be able to take this class (1pm TR) and that makes me happier than a... than a... umm... *insert awesome analogy here*. Anyway, big class for tap III, 8 people, varied levels, but much of the same stuff. Going to be a fantastic time! The cool thing about this year is that I have been in tap III for 3 terms, so I'll take it non credit the next two terms most likely, and I am getting a piece of board to I can tap at home and drive my room mates insane. This is not official, but I am gonna say it is likely, that at the end of the year for Spring Loft, I will be able to tap in Jean's tap piece! Small group, highly complicated and well choreographed, and very very fun.
So, I have a lot of stuff to look forward to this year, a lot of fun, and a lot of work. Last year, lets go kick some butt. Allons-y! Also, I have been a total Doctor Who fan...
The other September entries:
Faerieworlds Harvest 2011
Earthdance Northwest
Faerieworlds Harvest 2011
SO FAERIEWORLDS AGAIN! Yeah, as if you guys thought that we had enough fae to keep us happy for a year, we come back and have ANOTHER FESTIVAL! This was in the middle of September and the weather was much different... ish. Ok, it was similar, as was the level of awesome fun we had, so I'm going to give you the run down on why harvest festival kicked serious faerie butt.
1. It didn't rain on saturday. Right off the bat, I call this one a hardcore success, because the rain in the summer totally ruined my saturday. Also made packing up sunday morning really not fun at all. But this time we got sun and clouds, but no water!
2. The music was incredible. We got to play host to Faun, Delhi 2 Dublin, Tricky Pixie (minus Alec, very sad), and a band who played and blew my little fishy mind named OKA from Australia. There was didj, there were drums, and a whole lot of other awesomeness going on there. And if their music wasn't cool enough, they closed the set with their didj player doing a traditional Australian aboriginal dance, which he can do, because he is actually an Australian aboriginal. It was way cool to watch.
I also decided to do FW this time without a tent. I was homeless, and planning on crashing with my friends each night. The plan was to sleep in someone different's tent each night so as to keep myself sheltered, but not impede on anyone too bad. Tons of my friends had tents and extra space, I was counting on their kindness. Turns out I didn't need it. Emily Fae who we met at faerieworlds in the summer came back to us from North Carolina (actually, Connecticut I think, she was in school) for the weekend, and it just happened that is got REALLY cold at night and we were quite good at keeping warm, so I had a place to stay almost the whole weekend.
During this weekend, we danced, we sang, and I was sung to - because my 21st birthday was on sunday night! That's right, I got to drink beer and mead at Oberon's Tavern on sunday night of FW, and all my older than me friends were gathered and we sang and drank and, because I really want to say it, were merry.
But the coolest single part of faerieworlds by a significant margin was friday night. Friday night Delhi 2 Dublin performed, and they were great as usual and I shook myself silly dancing to them. It was great. But before they went on, a band that is basically Woodland and friends called Treguenda performed, and we got to do the fire ceremony during their set. There were six of us, including Lulu the belly dancer, Erika the star belly dancer, Lyra the poi spinner, and some other people to help with the more ritual aspects of it. It was decided that I was to do fire breathing again, which was no surprise, but that I would also finally get the chance to perform with fire fans! I've been working my ass off to learn how to use them for the last several months based on my mission for fans. I think that is another post, and I don't think that I've written about my mission for fans as well as several other toys. But suffice it to say that getting to perform with fire fans at a major festival was a huge step and an amazing thing to do.
But here's the thing - fire fans are a two handed tool, no room for taking fuel into my mouth, and I didn't want to take fuel in the middle of Lyra's set, not when I am holding a giant flaming steel staff and standing powerfully in the middle of the stage. So I decided a few days before that I would hold the fire breathing fuel in my mouth. It was a 12 minute show, and I help that fuel in my mouth the entire time. I had to keep my lips closed but my jaw open and breathe only through my nose for about 12 minutes, and then I let out a glorious fireball at the end. And people got it too - there were people talking to each other after, I was told, saying "I know that was the same guy as at the summer festival, did you see him drink any fuel? Because I didn't see it at all" and everyone was equally confused an impressed, yay me.
The other thing that happened was I proved that my fans worked.
I have been working on the alternative style of fans as part of my mission, and I had the opportunity to perform with them in a duet with the style I deliberately rebel against, and I got to show people a different way - it was a very rare opportunity. And the reaction was great, I got so many compliments about the style and how much they liked it. It made me feel that my hard work and on this mission is not being wasted, people are learning that there is more to fans than they had been led to believe.
I just remembered that WE HAVE A VIDEO! A good friend of mine whipped out the ol' iPhone and captured this glorious night for me to look back on.
Oh, and you can find that if you click on THIS.
So that's my faerieworlds post.
Here are the other two September posts
Earthdance Northwest
First Week Of Senior Year
1. It didn't rain on saturday. Right off the bat, I call this one a hardcore success, because the rain in the summer totally ruined my saturday. Also made packing up sunday morning really not fun at all. But this time we got sun and clouds, but no water!
2. The music was incredible. We got to play host to Faun, Delhi 2 Dublin, Tricky Pixie (minus Alec, very sad), and a band who played and blew my little fishy mind named OKA from Australia. There was didj, there were drums, and a whole lot of other awesomeness going on there. And if their music wasn't cool enough, they closed the set with their didj player doing a traditional Australian aboriginal dance, which he can do, because he is actually an Australian aboriginal. It was way cool to watch.
I also decided to do FW this time without a tent. I was homeless, and planning on crashing with my friends each night. The plan was to sleep in someone different's tent each night so as to keep myself sheltered, but not impede on anyone too bad. Tons of my friends had tents and extra space, I was counting on their kindness. Turns out I didn't need it. Emily Fae who we met at faerieworlds in the summer came back to us from North Carolina (actually, Connecticut I think, she was in school) for the weekend, and it just happened that is got REALLY cold at night and we were quite good at keeping warm, so I had a place to stay almost the whole weekend.
During this weekend, we danced, we sang, and I was sung to - because my 21st birthday was on sunday night! That's right, I got to drink beer and mead at Oberon's Tavern on sunday night of FW, and all my older than me friends were gathered and we sang and drank and, because I really want to say it, were merry.
But the coolest single part of faerieworlds by a significant margin was friday night. Friday night Delhi 2 Dublin performed, and they were great as usual and I shook myself silly dancing to them. It was great. But before they went on, a band that is basically Woodland and friends called Treguenda performed, and we got to do the fire ceremony during their set. There were six of us, including Lulu the belly dancer, Erika the star belly dancer, Lyra the poi spinner, and some other people to help with the more ritual aspects of it. It was decided that I was to do fire breathing again, which was no surprise, but that I would also finally get the chance to perform with fire fans! I've been working my ass off to learn how to use them for the last several months based on my mission for fans. I think that is another post, and I don't think that I've written about my mission for fans as well as several other toys. But suffice it to say that getting to perform with fire fans at a major festival was a huge step and an amazing thing to do.
But here's the thing - fire fans are a two handed tool, no room for taking fuel into my mouth, and I didn't want to take fuel in the middle of Lyra's set, not when I am holding a giant flaming steel staff and standing powerfully in the middle of the stage. So I decided a few days before that I would hold the fire breathing fuel in my mouth. It was a 12 minute show, and I help that fuel in my mouth the entire time. I had to keep my lips closed but my jaw open and breathe only through my nose for about 12 minutes, and then I let out a glorious fireball at the end. And people got it too - there were people talking to each other after, I was told, saying "I know that was the same guy as at the summer festival, did you see him drink any fuel? Because I didn't see it at all" and everyone was equally confused an impressed, yay me.
The other thing that happened was I proved that my fans worked.
I have been working on the alternative style of fans as part of my mission, and I had the opportunity to perform with them in a duet with the style I deliberately rebel against, and I got to show people a different way - it was a very rare opportunity. And the reaction was great, I got so many compliments about the style and how much they liked it. It made me feel that my hard work and on this mission is not being wasted, people are learning that there is more to fans than they had been led to believe.
I just remembered that WE HAVE A VIDEO! A good friend of mine whipped out the ol' iPhone and captured this glorious night for me to look back on.
Oh, and you can find that if you click on THIS.
So that's my faerieworlds post.
Here are the other two September posts
Earthdance Northwest
First Week Of Senior Year
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
A Few Facts From The Fire Front
So I have had a good summer of fire performance and it isn't over.
I had the chance to perform at Faerieworlds in June, and I have done a lot of work with friends. Upcoming I have Faerieworlds Harvest, which we are still deciding what to do, and the big one for me Earthdance Northwest.
EDNW is not bigger than FW nor is it better in any way, but this is the big one for me for several reasons.
1. I am using a character that has been under development for 6 months
2. It is the first festival gig I got without my friend's connections - I got this one on my own
3. I am doing it by myself. I am carpooling up there with strangers, and camping solo. Additionally, there will be way more people there than normal who I don't know (unlike FW where I can't go 20 feet without seeing someone I know)
I am really excited for it, and for everything coming in the near future.
I also had the chance recently to record some of my fire stuff, including my new character, who I will talk about in a bit.
I have videos for the character, fans, and poi. They were all improvised and done without any planning other than "I wanna spin fire tonight." The ones I still have left to film are contact juggling and eating (fire of course).
Anyway, as I am writing this, I am editing the videos for sound so they sound nice, but I am not doing any video editing whatsoever (ok, maybe a little bit) so hopefully by the time I post it, they will be ready to post links.
That was the plan. I still might go through with the plan because it is a good plan.
However, something kinda crazy happened last night. I was working on fire eating/breathing with my friend Braedon, who has been working so hard on all of this, and I am really proud of him. Having an apprentice is fun (we did a fans/breathing duet that I choreographed in like 30 minutes last week, I still remember it, and I hope to get it on film once I do some repair work on my equipment).
I got my lip burned last night. And my stomach. And my arm. Minor burns, just annoyances really - nothing more than I'm used to. They hurt a lot more than I am used to, but I blame that on the fact that I hadn't eaten anything in over 12 hours, so I just wasn't operating on full.
Anyway, I had a thought when I was nursing my burns with some ice: God I am tired of it.
I love fire eating and breathing because they are way cool, and they demonstrate a control that few have. And crowds love it. The reason I work so hard on them is because nobody else will do them. I don't like competition, and working in that field reduces it. I can't compete with the best when it comes to poi, I don't see fans and me becoming best friends and spending hours working together, and I sure as hell don't want to make a habit of doing fire contact juggling a lot. So it was my only option, but now I have this new thing that I do. Nobody does this. Seriously - I've been watching youtube videos of fire performance for years, and I have never seen something like this.
I want this to become my thing. This character will become more sleek, more well oiled, use more props, all in his own unique fashion (which will make sense when you see the video).
I am tired of nursing burns on my chest and arms. I am tired of shaving my arms and chest before every show. I am tired of burns inside my mouth that make me chew on my own lip for a week.
And now I finally have a way to not do that anymore.
So, here's the new plan. I am gonna rip out the best fire eating routine I have ever done in my life. I am gonna do it once. I am going to record it, and then I am gonna put it in the demo video. I want to show that I can, and unless SPECIFICALLY ASKED I will not perform it. Fire eating no longer has a place in the fire jams I go to. It is a purely professional art for me. And I mean that literally. If I am going to burn myself for your entertainment, I am going to get paid.
Alright, video time.
#3 Fire Poi: I did this to "The Voice" by Celtic Woman, which I have actually done before, and have a video of it (on my youtube, and you can see how much I have improved in that time). Anyway, I want to clarify that poi is just something I do for fun. I don't practice more than once a week, and this was completely improvised with next to no warm up. Translation: just for fun, not to be taken seriously as a representation of what I do - poi is just a hobby (but you can be sure the highlights are going in the demo). Oh, and also, I did this blindfolded - just so that is clear.
#2 Fire Fans: I need to explain the music. It is not what I would have chosen, but just before I did this, I gave my friend a challenge and had him use fans to Enya's "Oronico Flow" which, if you've ever heard it, does not lend itself to my style of fans (which is what I have been teaching him). I just wanted to see what he would do. Then I told him he could choose anything he wanted for my set, and he gave me "Cannibal" by Ke$ha, which I actually like as a song, but not my first choice. Anyway, the moment I knew what the music was is the start of the video - true improv this one was (except that I know that song really well)
#1 Fyrieth: So I finally came up with a name for this guy - Fyrieth (FEAR-ee-eth). It is a word taken from Old English, and is actually a third person conjugation of fyrian (Chronicles of Riddick anyone?) which translates to "to supply fire." So this guy's name roughly translates to "supplier of fire" in a very inexact way. I wanted him to be in complete control of fire without reaching into pockets for lighters or flasks - if I couldn't keep it (1) on my body and (2) hidden, I didn't do it. This was the result. Music is "August" by UNK Remix. Enjoy!
So, I have these three videos, and once I record my badass fire eating and contact juggling videos, I will mix them altogether into a fire demo for myself, should be pretty fun. Look for that entry in a week or so.
That's all the facts from the fire front for today, burn it up.
Today's blog has been sponsored by the letter F.
I had the chance to perform at Faerieworlds in June, and I have done a lot of work with friends. Upcoming I have Faerieworlds Harvest, which we are still deciding what to do, and the big one for me Earthdance Northwest.
EDNW is not bigger than FW nor is it better in any way, but this is the big one for me for several reasons.
1. I am using a character that has been under development for 6 months
2. It is the first festival gig I got without my friend's connections - I got this one on my own
3. I am doing it by myself. I am carpooling up there with strangers, and camping solo. Additionally, there will be way more people there than normal who I don't know (unlike FW where I can't go 20 feet without seeing someone I know)
I am really excited for it, and for everything coming in the near future.
I also had the chance recently to record some of my fire stuff, including my new character, who I will talk about in a bit.
I have videos for the character, fans, and poi. They were all improvised and done without any planning other than "I wanna spin fire tonight." The ones I still have left to film are contact juggling and eating (fire of course).
Anyway, as I am writing this, I am editing the videos for sound so they sound nice, but I am not doing any video editing whatsoever (ok, maybe a little bit) so hopefully by the time I post it, they will be ready to post links.
That was the plan. I still might go through with the plan because it is a good plan.
However, something kinda crazy happened last night. I was working on fire eating/breathing with my friend Braedon, who has been working so hard on all of this, and I am really proud of him. Having an apprentice is fun (we did a fans/breathing duet that I choreographed in like 30 minutes last week, I still remember it, and I hope to get it on film once I do some repair work on my equipment).
I got my lip burned last night. And my stomach. And my arm. Minor burns, just annoyances really - nothing more than I'm used to. They hurt a lot more than I am used to, but I blame that on the fact that I hadn't eaten anything in over 12 hours, so I just wasn't operating on full.
Anyway, I had a thought when I was nursing my burns with some ice: God I am tired of it.
I love fire eating and breathing because they are way cool, and they demonstrate a control that few have. And crowds love it. The reason I work so hard on them is because nobody else will do them. I don't like competition, and working in that field reduces it. I can't compete with the best when it comes to poi, I don't see fans and me becoming best friends and spending hours working together, and I sure as hell don't want to make a habit of doing fire contact juggling a lot. So it was my only option, but now I have this new thing that I do. Nobody does this. Seriously - I've been watching youtube videos of fire performance for years, and I have never seen something like this.
I want this to become my thing. This character will become more sleek, more well oiled, use more props, all in his own unique fashion (which will make sense when you see the video).
I am tired of nursing burns on my chest and arms. I am tired of shaving my arms and chest before every show. I am tired of burns inside my mouth that make me chew on my own lip for a week.
And now I finally have a way to not do that anymore.
So, here's the new plan. I am gonna rip out the best fire eating routine I have ever done in my life. I am gonna do it once. I am going to record it, and then I am gonna put it in the demo video. I want to show that I can, and unless SPECIFICALLY ASKED I will not perform it. Fire eating no longer has a place in the fire jams I go to. It is a purely professional art for me. And I mean that literally. If I am going to burn myself for your entertainment, I am going to get paid.
Alright, video time.
#3 Fire Poi: I did this to "The Voice" by Celtic Woman, which I have actually done before, and have a video of it (on my youtube, and you can see how much I have improved in that time). Anyway, I want to clarify that poi is just something I do for fun. I don't practice more than once a week, and this was completely improvised with next to no warm up. Translation: just for fun, not to be taken seriously as a representation of what I do - poi is just a hobby (but you can be sure the highlights are going in the demo). Oh, and also, I did this blindfolded - just so that is clear.
#2 Fire Fans: I need to explain the music. It is not what I would have chosen, but just before I did this, I gave my friend a challenge and had him use fans to Enya's "Oronico Flow" which, if you've ever heard it, does not lend itself to my style of fans (which is what I have been teaching him). I just wanted to see what he would do. Then I told him he could choose anything he wanted for my set, and he gave me "Cannibal" by Ke$ha, which I actually like as a song, but not my first choice. Anyway, the moment I knew what the music was is the start of the video - true improv this one was (except that I know that song really well)
#1 Fyrieth: So I finally came up with a name for this guy - Fyrieth (FEAR-ee-eth). It is a word taken from Old English, and is actually a third person conjugation of fyrian (Chronicles of Riddick anyone?) which translates to "to supply fire." So this guy's name roughly translates to "supplier of fire" in a very inexact way. I wanted him to be in complete control of fire without reaching into pockets for lighters or flasks - if I couldn't keep it (1) on my body and (2) hidden, I didn't do it. This was the result. Music is "August" by UNK Remix. Enjoy!
So, I have these three videos, and once I record my badass fire eating and contact juggling videos, I will mix them altogether into a fire demo for myself, should be pretty fun. Look for that entry in a week or so.
That's all the facts from the fire front for today, burn it up.
Today's blog has been sponsored by the letter F.
Friday, August 19, 2011
On Attractiveness of Skill
A preface on the subject. Part of being attracted to someone is their physical attractiveness. This is not all that composes how attracted I am to someone, but it would be foolish to say it didn't matter in the least. This post is STRICTLY about physical attractiveness. If you want to call me shallow for my standards of physical attractiveness, you are full of tautology, because that is just what physical attractiveness standards are: shallow. The important part to remember is that there is more to attraction than this, I am merely not talking about them, because that isn't what I want to spend the next week of my time doing.
Ok, now that we have that out of the way, I want to make clear what I mean by attractive in the physical sense (as every time I use the word attractive will mean from here on out unless otherwise stated). Actually, scratch that, that is bloody hard to do. Put simply, if I am attracted to a person, it means that I think that sex with them is something I would not be opposed to. This is not to say that I am going to take efforts to make sexual activity happen between us. But this is to say that if for some insane reason we ended up in bed together, I would be physically enjoying myself. It's a pretty simple concept, try not to make such a big thing out of it.
One of my goals here is to describe my "type" without using any clichés, which I know is going to be impossible, so just bear with me. No, you know what, that is going to be to hard, so lets try something else.
Lets make a list of possibles, like in the DSM - they don't say "if you have these symptoms, you have the following condition" no, they say if you have a certain number of these traits, it is likely you have the following condition and it would be a wise plan to consult a professional who knows what they are doing to get a better idea - but you never confirm it. Which is why we still have doctors and not computers with statistical analysis engines being the psychiatric diagnosticians. Point being: there is no formula for a type, but there are patterns and generally identifiable characteristics.
I want you all thinking about your own Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Sexual Attraction. It is a worthwhile exercise I have found.
There is a long list, and I have it in my head, and since this is a public blog, I think I'm going to keep it that way. But there is one that I think I can confidently say without offending anyone terribly - it is my personal attraction, and if you look at the people I date, you will see it is true.
I generally like slender people. I don't really know why, but something about slender people is attractive to me. But wait, that isn't really true is it - I might know why. Let's think about this. Thought experiment time! Why is it (for me personally, not for everyone) a trend to be attracted to slender people?
Sexually have I found slender people to be better in bed (meaning that are they a fit for me - nobody is universally good in bed. Sex between people is a relationship just as any other activity between people, and some people are a good fit and some are not) as a general rule? Now that I think about it, no. That isn't true at all, and I can think of a couple counterexamples.
So I am not attracted to them because they are generally better in my experience in bed with me.
Could it be.... actually, that's all I got. Why else could I be more physically attracted to a certain type almost definitely if it has nothing to do with any correlation with sexual ability?
And what do you do when you come to a nonconclusion about a question and don't know what to do? Start doubting your assumptions - perhaps I have defined this question incorrectly?
Yes, I answer myself (since I am recapping my own thought experiment, I already know where this is heading), I made an incorrect assumption. It was actually the first one I made - physical appearance and personality are actually not unrelated. Didn't think about it at first, the whole "don't judge a book by its cover" thing and all, but think about it - if someone has a lot of piercings, there is a pretty good chance their ambition is not to be come a state senator. Not that we could never have a senator with piercings, it's just that people that tend towards political activity and the public forum and being a part of our political system and people who tend towards many many piercings don't have a lot of overlap. And of course there is some as with all categories, but it would not be unreasonable to make this assumption.
So what can we reasonably say about thin people? Erm. They are thin. Shit. dead end.
Welcome to my thought experiment, I ask a lot of questions, and don't answer a lot of them.
What is it not reasonable to say about thin people? Ah ha! What can you reasonably not assume about thin people? What do thin people not do? Nope, still nothin
Ok, maybe I was questioning the wrong assumption - maybe I am not attracted to thin people at all, but possibly a quality that is really highly correlated with thin people. But obviously since I have been with people who I am highly attracted to but who would not be considered as thin as others, this quality is not perfectly correlated with thinness.
Right around this point in my thought experiment, I went off on a huge tangent about qualities that the people I surround myself with have, and things that correlate with thinness, and even went out to questioning that physical attractedness has anything to do with sexual desire whatsoever. I will save us a buttload of time by letting you know that all of these tangents got me absolutely nowhere, so we'll get to the stuff where I actually figured things about myself out. And where did I find it? The same place I always do - back at the beginning. But not my beginning, the first idea about how a species operates on a large scale. Darwin - yeah.
What makes a certain portion of its species go on? Fitness. Reproductive fitness primarily, but other kinds as well. Back long ago, people who couldn't fight off the occasional animal got dead really fast and couldn't go on. Makes sense to me. But obviously, ability to fight off animals isn't important today (there is still a standard attractiveness standard related to this, which is why the rugged mountain man with a gun and an elk head on his wall is still the hottest thing out there to some people - and that's cool, to each his or her own) so there are going to be those who find something else as a marker of reproductive fitness. Reproductive fitness sounds weird - like soley the function of your genitalia determines your fitness. Which we know not to be true. Women who smoke and drink frequently are less capable of carrying healthy offspring. Men who smoke (I don't know about drink) are less likely to be able to impregnate a woman. Obviously, there is more to it than the function of your genitalia. Let's just use the word fitness from now on - just a general fitness in life. To be able to do well in life, whatever that means to you, is your definition of fitness. If it means running a company is doing well, then that is fit for you. And if having children and raising them in the country is to do well, then someone who is very capable of doing that with you is going to be very fit to you. This is how I account for different tastes in people - I think it stems (in part) from your version of what it is to succeed in life.
So what is fitness for me? What do I consider success in my life? Well, I want to join a circus company and spend my life in the air and playing with fire and spreading creativity around and making beautiful art with my body. I also want to write that book about the philosophy of movement, specifically movement as language and means of communication. I want to leave the place I am in constantly and connect with as many people as I can and share with them the creative vision of whoever I am working for. And since we are all kind of narcissistic, we want someone with similar views as us as form of self love, but also that you want someone to fit with you, so it only makes sense that we would want people in our lives who support us in one way or another. So what kind of person fits with that lifestyle of circus and writing?
I don't need someone who can do the exact same thing, but I need someone who can help me, I think.
I think what I need is someone who can keep up with me (and obviously this goes both ways - if (s)he can keep up with my stuff, but (s)he is a religious leader in charge of persecuting the gays, I am not going to be able to keep up, i.e. that we won't be able to connect - when I say that I need, I mean that it is half of what would define a relationship, the other half needs to be there too) and connect with me on those levels.
So I'm kinda lazy, and stereotyping is easy, and we all do it every day, and there is no point denying it. We're all a rittle bit lacist (if you havn't seen Avenue Q you are not allowed to get upset about that). What kind of person can connect with me on that highly physical existence that I have? Oh man... in physically minded people. Oh man... in-shape people.
All in shape people? Psh, no - tons of in shape people whom I don't feel the slightest desire to sleep with.
Frustrating topic for me, you see.
If not just in-shape people, then what? Ok, I've got it - people who do stuff. That's what it is - people who do stuff. It doesn't matter what you do, so matter as you do it. If you swim, you swim your heart out. If you rock climb, you go out and rock climb and kick ass at it. If you climb a rope and do tricks on it, you come train with me and my friends. If you want to kick a ball around a field, you commit yourself to it. Have you ever met a person who was really intensely into honing their body who wasn't thin?
Finally got it.
I am not attracted to a nice body alone, I am attracted to nice bodies that were gained from years of work and perseverance at perfecting the physical discipline intended.
"I don't care what you believe in, just believe it"
~Shepherd Derrial Book, Firefly
I don't know about that, but I do agree when it comes to physicality. I think that in this society of laziness and apathy and technology and way too many ways to fail to take care of yourself mentally and physically it is of the utmost importance, in order to survive, to keep yourself sharp. I think that is success - to keep your mind and body working effectively for a long time, and to do that, you have to work them out.
So swim, do circus, tricks, play soccer, do triathlons, speed skate or whatever. Just do it and kick ass at it. Then in your downtime, do puzzles or crosswords or debate or play scrabble. Or do really lengthy thought experiments and see where you get to. And whatever you decide to do, kick ass at it.
I guess that is really what I am attracted to - people who kick ass in their respective areas of life.
Psh, and I thought I liked thinness...
*Edit* Because I feel like an example is deserved, I am going to use one, and hopefully it won't offend anyone. I was at this party last week in Tucson, just a friend's party, old high school friends and whatnot. Anyone, some non-high school peeps show up, and we get to know each other. We are talking, and the girl in question is pretty cute (there were three people I didn't know, all of them pretty good looking), there is no doubt about it. Also noticed she looked like my friend Madeline, but that is irrelevant. Any way, we finally get to (this is in no way even close to the conversation that happened)
"Gerardo, how do you know these lovely people?"
"Oh, Fenix - I didn't mention that? I play men's roller derby now! This one plays for Jr. Derby, that one on the men's team with me, and she plays for Tucson Roller Derby"
"Oh, I had no idea. Hey She, which team do you play for?"
"Oh, Fenix, how pleasant of you to ask - I play for vice squad, but I also play for the saddletramps [all star team]"
"How interesting, I happened to be at the Saddletramps vs. Tex Pistols [all star team from somewhere in Texas], I don't remember you - who were you"
"Oh, I'm Lindsey Loblow"
"Really? You mean Lindsey Loblow the roller derby skater who was the fastest, most agile jammer on the track that continually confounded the other team's defense and generally kicked ass"
"Yes Fenix, the very same - I am she: Lindsey Lowblo"
"Wow, Lindsey, somewhere in the last 8 sets of quotation marks you just got a lot hotter!"
In case you were wondering, this fake conversation but entirely true story (at least as it occured in my head) is actually the reason I did this whole thought experiment in the first place.
Ok, now that we have that out of the way, I want to make clear what I mean by attractive in the physical sense (as every time I use the word attractive will mean from here on out unless otherwise stated). Actually, scratch that, that is bloody hard to do. Put simply, if I am attracted to a person, it means that I think that sex with them is something I would not be opposed to. This is not to say that I am going to take efforts to make sexual activity happen between us. But this is to say that if for some insane reason we ended up in bed together, I would be physically enjoying myself. It's a pretty simple concept, try not to make such a big thing out of it.
One of my goals here is to describe my "type" without using any clichés, which I know is going to be impossible, so just bear with me. No, you know what, that is going to be to hard, so lets try something else.
Lets make a list of possibles, like in the DSM - they don't say "if you have these symptoms, you have the following condition" no, they say if you have a certain number of these traits, it is likely you have the following condition and it would be a wise plan to consult a professional who knows what they are doing to get a better idea - but you never confirm it. Which is why we still have doctors and not computers with statistical analysis engines being the psychiatric diagnosticians. Point being: there is no formula for a type, but there are patterns and generally identifiable characteristics.
I want you all thinking about your own Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Sexual Attraction. It is a worthwhile exercise I have found.
There is a long list, and I have it in my head, and since this is a public blog, I think I'm going to keep it that way. But there is one that I think I can confidently say without offending anyone terribly - it is my personal attraction, and if you look at the people I date, you will see it is true.
I generally like slender people. I don't really know why, but something about slender people is attractive to me. But wait, that isn't really true is it - I might know why. Let's think about this. Thought experiment time! Why is it (for me personally, not for everyone) a trend to be attracted to slender people?
Sexually have I found slender people to be better in bed (meaning that are they a fit for me - nobody is universally good in bed. Sex between people is a relationship just as any other activity between people, and some people are a good fit and some are not) as a general rule? Now that I think about it, no. That isn't true at all, and I can think of a couple counterexamples.
So I am not attracted to them because they are generally better in my experience in bed with me.
Could it be.... actually, that's all I got. Why else could I be more physically attracted to a certain type almost definitely if it has nothing to do with any correlation with sexual ability?
And what do you do when you come to a nonconclusion about a question and don't know what to do? Start doubting your assumptions - perhaps I have defined this question incorrectly?
Yes, I answer myself (since I am recapping my own thought experiment, I already know where this is heading), I made an incorrect assumption. It was actually the first one I made - physical appearance and personality are actually not unrelated. Didn't think about it at first, the whole "don't judge a book by its cover" thing and all, but think about it - if someone has a lot of piercings, there is a pretty good chance their ambition is not to be come a state senator. Not that we could never have a senator with piercings, it's just that people that tend towards political activity and the public forum and being a part of our political system and people who tend towards many many piercings don't have a lot of overlap. And of course there is some as with all categories, but it would not be unreasonable to make this assumption.
So what can we reasonably say about thin people? Erm. They are thin. Shit. dead end.
Welcome to my thought experiment, I ask a lot of questions, and don't answer a lot of them.
What is it not reasonable to say about thin people? Ah ha! What can you reasonably not assume about thin people? What do thin people not do? Nope, still nothin
Ok, maybe I was questioning the wrong assumption - maybe I am not attracted to thin people at all, but possibly a quality that is really highly correlated with thin people. But obviously since I have been with people who I am highly attracted to but who would not be considered as thin as others, this quality is not perfectly correlated with thinness.
Right around this point in my thought experiment, I went off on a huge tangent about qualities that the people I surround myself with have, and things that correlate with thinness, and even went out to questioning that physical attractedness has anything to do with sexual desire whatsoever. I will save us a buttload of time by letting you know that all of these tangents got me absolutely nowhere, so we'll get to the stuff where I actually figured things about myself out. And where did I find it? The same place I always do - back at the beginning. But not my beginning, the first idea about how a species operates on a large scale. Darwin - yeah.
What makes a certain portion of its species go on? Fitness. Reproductive fitness primarily, but other kinds as well. Back long ago, people who couldn't fight off the occasional animal got dead really fast and couldn't go on. Makes sense to me. But obviously, ability to fight off animals isn't important today (there is still a standard attractiveness standard related to this, which is why the rugged mountain man with a gun and an elk head on his wall is still the hottest thing out there to some people - and that's cool, to each his or her own) so there are going to be those who find something else as a marker of reproductive fitness. Reproductive fitness sounds weird - like soley the function of your genitalia determines your fitness. Which we know not to be true. Women who smoke and drink frequently are less capable of carrying healthy offspring. Men who smoke (I don't know about drink) are less likely to be able to impregnate a woman. Obviously, there is more to it than the function of your genitalia. Let's just use the word fitness from now on - just a general fitness in life. To be able to do well in life, whatever that means to you, is your definition of fitness. If it means running a company is doing well, then that is fit for you. And if having children and raising them in the country is to do well, then someone who is very capable of doing that with you is going to be very fit to you. This is how I account for different tastes in people - I think it stems (in part) from your version of what it is to succeed in life.
So what is fitness for me? What do I consider success in my life? Well, I want to join a circus company and spend my life in the air and playing with fire and spreading creativity around and making beautiful art with my body. I also want to write that book about the philosophy of movement, specifically movement as language and means of communication. I want to leave the place I am in constantly and connect with as many people as I can and share with them the creative vision of whoever I am working for. And since we are all kind of narcissistic, we want someone with similar views as us as form of self love, but also that you want someone to fit with you, so it only makes sense that we would want people in our lives who support us in one way or another. So what kind of person fits with that lifestyle of circus and writing?
I don't need someone who can do the exact same thing, but I need someone who can help me, I think.
I think what I need is someone who can keep up with me (and obviously this goes both ways - if (s)he can keep up with my stuff, but (s)he is a religious leader in charge of persecuting the gays, I am not going to be able to keep up, i.e. that we won't be able to connect - when I say that I need, I mean that it is half of what would define a relationship, the other half needs to be there too) and connect with me on those levels.
So I'm kinda lazy, and stereotyping is easy, and we all do it every day, and there is no point denying it. We're all a rittle bit lacist (if you havn't seen Avenue Q you are not allowed to get upset about that). What kind of person can connect with me on that highly physical existence that I have? Oh man... in physically minded people. Oh man... in-shape people.
All in shape people? Psh, no - tons of in shape people whom I don't feel the slightest desire to sleep with.
Frustrating topic for me, you see.
If not just in-shape people, then what? Ok, I've got it - people who do stuff. That's what it is - people who do stuff. It doesn't matter what you do, so matter as you do it. If you swim, you swim your heart out. If you rock climb, you go out and rock climb and kick ass at it. If you climb a rope and do tricks on it, you come train with me and my friends. If you want to kick a ball around a field, you commit yourself to it. Have you ever met a person who was really intensely into honing their body who wasn't thin?
Finally got it.
I am not attracted to a nice body alone, I am attracted to nice bodies that were gained from years of work and perseverance at perfecting the physical discipline intended.
"I don't care what you believe in, just believe it"
~Shepherd Derrial Book, Firefly
I don't know about that, but I do agree when it comes to physicality. I think that in this society of laziness and apathy and technology and way too many ways to fail to take care of yourself mentally and physically it is of the utmost importance, in order to survive, to keep yourself sharp. I think that is success - to keep your mind and body working effectively for a long time, and to do that, you have to work them out.
So swim, do circus, tricks, play soccer, do triathlons, speed skate or whatever. Just do it and kick ass at it. Then in your downtime, do puzzles or crosswords or debate or play scrabble. Or do really lengthy thought experiments and see where you get to. And whatever you decide to do, kick ass at it.
I guess that is really what I am attracted to - people who kick ass in their respective areas of life.
Psh, and I thought I liked thinness...
*Edit* Because I feel like an example is deserved, I am going to use one, and hopefully it won't offend anyone. I was at this party last week in Tucson, just a friend's party, old high school friends and whatnot. Anyone, some non-high school peeps show up, and we get to know each other. We are talking, and the girl in question is pretty cute (there were three people I didn't know, all of them pretty good looking), there is no doubt about it. Also noticed she looked like my friend Madeline, but that is irrelevant. Any way, we finally get to (this is in no way even close to the conversation that happened)
"Gerardo, how do you know these lovely people?"
"Oh, Fenix - I didn't mention that? I play men's roller derby now! This one plays for Jr. Derby, that one on the men's team with me, and she plays for Tucson Roller Derby"
"Oh, I had no idea. Hey She, which team do you play for?"
"Oh, Fenix, how pleasant of you to ask - I play for vice squad, but I also play for the saddletramps [all star team]"
"How interesting, I happened to be at the Saddletramps vs. Tex Pistols [all star team from somewhere in Texas], I don't remember you - who were you"
"Oh, I'm Lindsey Loblow"
"Really? You mean Lindsey Loblow the roller derby skater who was the fastest, most agile jammer on the track that continually confounded the other team's defense and generally kicked ass"
"Yes Fenix, the very same - I am she: Lindsey Lowblo"
"Wow, Lindsey, somewhere in the last 8 sets of quotation marks you just got a lot hotter!"
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Just for reference |
thought experiment
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Burden Of Proof: On Acceptable Evidence for God
This post is a response to a post on Generation Atheist called Are Proofs Or Evidence For Deities Even Hypothetically Possible and while I highly recommend reading that article, it will not be necessary to understand what I am talking about here.
The entire article is based on two ideas, Occams Razor and Clarke's Third Law
OR: All other things being equal, the simplest explanation tends to be the correct one, or more accurately, that when discussing hypotheses that are equal in other regards, it is right to select the one that requires you to make the least number of unwarranted assumptions.
CL: Any technology sufficiently advanced would be indistinguishable from magic.
We use OR in our life every day - we assume when we find a suicide note and a guy hanging from the ceiling, we assume that he killed himself. We would not assume that someone forced him to write the note in his own handwriting and then hung the guy for some reason. Unless there is evidence (for example, he was really rich, and then after he died suddenly it was revealed that his will was changed last week to put all of his money into a nameless bank account) of course, we will assume that the simplest answer is correct. This is the reason for the word "unwarranted" because if there were such evidence, the assumption would be completely warranted.
Clarke's Law is less prevalent in our society in an obvious way, but think about A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court. A moden man is sent back in time to the middle ages, and with his knowledge of history and electricity, manages to make firearms and an electric fence to defend himself from those who would wish to destroy him. And what is the first word they use for him? Wizard. He was using a concept of electricity to run his camp, charged invisible particles moving energy around - this was so far above the understanding of the people of that time that they couldn't understand it at all, and so it was magic. But we are smarter now, we have this law to reference. So if an alien race ever showed up and shot energy weapons and were capable of moving things large distances in a single instant, we would assume (based on CL and OR) that they were simply very technologically advanced, not magical.
And really - magic is simply the manipulation of the world using techniques unknown to the observer. If I can make a bosy float, and people do not understand it, it is called magic. But I did it using techniques possible and following from the given rules of the universe. If someone were to do something that we perceived as impossible, we would be wrong - it is not impossible, because we just saw it. Then there are two conclusions we can reach: either our understanding of the rules of the universe were incomplete in this regard, or our understanding of what we just saw was incomplete. This is why I say there is no such thing as magic. Because magic is to do the impossible (or at least the illusion of the impossible) which by its definition is not possible. If it is done, it is possible, and therefore there are rules governing its possibility, which puts us back at the two possible conclusions of incorrect knowledge or faulty perception.
So the question this author poses to us is this: hypothetically if someone showed up claiming to be God and showed up amazing things that we were incapable of doing (water into wine, walking on water, etc.) we, the rationalists, would assume that it was simply advanced technology and not magic - so how would a deity prove itself? This is a very good question. I had to think about it for a while, and had to back to the base of the creation myth to answer it.
I am going to assume for the sake of argument that God exists, created the world with natural laws (gravity, radioactive decay, stuff like that) and that we as members of its existence are forced to obey, and that these laws cannot be broken. They can be manipulated - Jesus can walk on water, the sea can part, stuff like that. These are improbable, but do not go against the laws of nature. It is conceivable that the act is a trick based in technology and science. For example, we have invented a vehicle that can travel on land and water without touching either of them directly - we call it a hovercraft. It is simple, a parachute holds the air in place and the force exerted upwards by the air held under the craft is equal to the force of gravity on the craft. But imagine trying to explain that to someone who didn't understand forces or gravity or even air. There was a time when birds were not understood.
So how would a Deity prove itself to exist to us? For me, it would have to violate a rule of this universe that is not violable. For me there, is only one rule that comes to mind - the conservation of matter. Unfortunately, this would be again, very difficult to do even for a Deity, because us skeptics are very skeptical.
So I was thinking how a Deity could prove itself to me beyond all reasonable doubt. Because humans do magic tricks, so a Deity doing something that even remotely looks like a magic trick would merit a response much like the lolcat above. We would raise an eyebrow and say "how did you do that" and God would respond "I am God, I can do what I want - I am master of all creation!" to which we would respond "that was a cool magic trick - now how did you do it?"
So after some thinking, and likely more thinking to come, the only thing that would prove to me that God existed is to do the one thing that it is said that God can do. There is only one thing that God could do to prove his existence to me: destroy the universe. And I don't mean make it all crunch back together - I mean make it disappear. But that would not be enough - because it is conceivable that an alien race with sufficient technology could do that. No, I want God to destroy the universe. Then I want him to take my immortal soul to the afterlife. Then I want to watch him recreate the universe.
In summary, the only thing that would really prove beyond all doubt for me personally that God existed was to watch him do the one thing that God is certainly credited with - the creation of the universe.
The entire article is based on two ideas, Occams Razor and Clarke's Third Law
OR: All other things being equal, the simplest explanation tends to be the correct one, or more accurately, that when discussing hypotheses that are equal in other regards, it is right to select the one that requires you to make the least number of unwarranted assumptions.
CL: Any technology sufficiently advanced would be indistinguishable from magic.
We use OR in our life every day - we assume when we find a suicide note and a guy hanging from the ceiling, we assume that he killed himself. We would not assume that someone forced him to write the note in his own handwriting and then hung the guy for some reason. Unless there is evidence (for example, he was really rich, and then after he died suddenly it was revealed that his will was changed last week to put all of his money into a nameless bank account) of course, we will assume that the simplest answer is correct. This is the reason for the word "unwarranted" because if there were such evidence, the assumption would be completely warranted.
Clarke's Law is less prevalent in our society in an obvious way, but think about A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court. A moden man is sent back in time to the middle ages, and with his knowledge of history and electricity, manages to make firearms and an electric fence to defend himself from those who would wish to destroy him. And what is the first word they use for him? Wizard. He was using a concept of electricity to run his camp, charged invisible particles moving energy around - this was so far above the understanding of the people of that time that they couldn't understand it at all, and so it was magic. But we are smarter now, we have this law to reference. So if an alien race ever showed up and shot energy weapons and were capable of moving things large distances in a single instant, we would assume (based on CL and OR) that they were simply very technologically advanced, not magical.
And really - magic is simply the manipulation of the world using techniques unknown to the observer. If I can make a bosy float, and people do not understand it, it is called magic. But I did it using techniques possible and following from the given rules of the universe. If someone were to do something that we perceived as impossible, we would be wrong - it is not impossible, because we just saw it. Then there are two conclusions we can reach: either our understanding of the rules of the universe were incomplete in this regard, or our understanding of what we just saw was incomplete. This is why I say there is no such thing as magic. Because magic is to do the impossible (or at least the illusion of the impossible) which by its definition is not possible. If it is done, it is possible, and therefore there are rules governing its possibility, which puts us back at the two possible conclusions of incorrect knowledge or faulty perception.
So the question this author poses to us is this: hypothetically if someone showed up claiming to be God and showed up amazing things that we were incapable of doing (water into wine, walking on water, etc.) we, the rationalists, would assume that it was simply advanced technology and not magic - so how would a deity prove itself? This is a very good question. I had to think about it for a while, and had to back to the base of the creation myth to answer it.
I am going to assume for the sake of argument that God exists, created the world with natural laws (gravity, radioactive decay, stuff like that) and that we as members of its existence are forced to obey, and that these laws cannot be broken. They can be manipulated - Jesus can walk on water, the sea can part, stuff like that. These are improbable, but do not go against the laws of nature. It is conceivable that the act is a trick based in technology and science. For example, we have invented a vehicle that can travel on land and water without touching either of them directly - we call it a hovercraft. It is simple, a parachute holds the air in place and the force exerted upwards by the air held under the craft is equal to the force of gravity on the craft. But imagine trying to explain that to someone who didn't understand forces or gravity or even air. There was a time when birds were not understood.
So how would a Deity prove itself to exist to us? For me, it would have to violate a rule of this universe that is not violable. For me there, is only one rule that comes to mind - the conservation of matter. Unfortunately, this would be again, very difficult to do even for a Deity, because us skeptics are very skeptical.
So I was thinking how a Deity could prove itself to me beyond all reasonable doubt. Because humans do magic tricks, so a Deity doing something that even remotely looks like a magic trick would merit a response much like the lolcat above. We would raise an eyebrow and say "how did you do that" and God would respond "I am God, I can do what I want - I am master of all creation!" to which we would respond "that was a cool magic trick - now how did you do it?"
So after some thinking, and likely more thinking to come, the only thing that would prove to me that God existed is to do the one thing that it is said that God can do. There is only one thing that God could do to prove his existence to me: destroy the universe. And I don't mean make it all crunch back together - I mean make it disappear. But that would not be enough - because it is conceivable that an alien race with sufficient technology could do that. No, I want God to destroy the universe. Then I want him to take my immortal soul to the afterlife. Then I want to watch him recreate the universe.
In summary, the only thing that would really prove beyond all doubt for me personally that God existed was to watch him do the one thing that God is certainly credited with - the creation of the universe.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
End of the Year
So my lease is up in two days, and I am almost moved out. Just a desk, a few boxes, and a few bags remain to move until my room is a shell again. On the upside, I traded with Braedon so that I don't have to move my couch to the new house (also, I have no place for it there) so he gave me his CamelBak! So, I've got that taken care of, no more couch, one less thing on the list of "things I need for special fire stuffs." Very exciting there. Additionally, Braedon is getting much better at firebreathing, he took his first blast off of his own hand last night, and we didn't stop there. He took a blast off of my hand (when my hand serves as the pilot light) and closed with a blast off of my dragon breath, which is fire that hovers less than three inches from my face. It was very impressive, I was a proud teacher.
So with move-out so close, I am left with time to reflect on the year.
At the beginning of this year, I was moving into the first space that was to be my own. I was moving in with Evan, my roommate from the dorms and Braedon joined us as a third, because we needed a third, and he needed a house. Evan and I drifted apart as he picked up a second job and was never really home, and Braedon and I grew closer. We declared ourselves "domestic partners" on facebook, which nobody really seemed to get. We decided that being roomies was not enough; we wanted to share more. We shared food, we spent more time together, we relied on each other for emotional support, and talked about our issues. It was basically a relationship without a physical aspect. And we are not living together next year - our partnership will end. It will open the door for new friendships and new partnerships and a whole new year of experiences.
I took a lot of classes this year: Morphology and Syntax, Elementary Analysis, Cultural Diversity, Neurolinguistics, Logic and Argumentation, Love and Sex, Differential Geometry, Modern Dance, Tap Dance, African Dance, Dance Improvisation, and Contact Improvisation.
Next year, I plan on taking Differential Equations and Fourier Analysis, Phonetics, Phonology, Syntax, Human Nature and many other classes as well. Additionally, it has been hinted at that I will be participating in the Spring Show as a tapper!
Coming up on senior year - then the plan is over. Then I have to start making a new plan. So far the plan is this: keep teaching circus, keep choreographing my own works, and audition for every single company I can get my hands on (Cirque, Velocity, Neil Goldberg, 7 Doigts, and a few others) until something takes.
In the meantime, back to Tucson I go - in August, just as my lease is running up.
There are two things wrong with this plan.
1. Packing for a trip when you are packing to move = bad plan
Oh well, I will have fun, eat a lot of Eegees, spend a lot of time at the Epic Cafe, visit The Dojang, Zuzi, and anything else I can think of because I will not be home for Christmas - it will be a whole year before I am home again.
I think that accounts for all the updates to my life for now - see some of you in Tucson, see some of you in two weeks when I get back to the Eug!
Love for all!
So with move-out so close, I am left with time to reflect on the year.
At the beginning of this year, I was moving into the first space that was to be my own. I was moving in with Evan, my roommate from the dorms and Braedon joined us as a third, because we needed a third, and he needed a house. Evan and I drifted apart as he picked up a second job and was never really home, and Braedon and I grew closer. We declared ourselves "domestic partners" on facebook, which nobody really seemed to get. We decided that being roomies was not enough; we wanted to share more. We shared food, we spent more time together, we relied on each other for emotional support, and talked about our issues. It was basically a relationship without a physical aspect. And we are not living together next year - our partnership will end. It will open the door for new friendships and new partnerships and a whole new year of experiences.
I took a lot of classes this year: Morphology and Syntax, Elementary Analysis, Cultural Diversity, Neurolinguistics, Logic and Argumentation, Love and Sex, Differential Geometry, Modern Dance, Tap Dance, African Dance, Dance Improvisation, and Contact Improvisation.
Next year, I plan on taking Differential Equations and Fourier Analysis, Phonetics, Phonology, Syntax, Human Nature and many other classes as well. Additionally, it has been hinted at that I will be participating in the Spring Show as a tapper!
Coming up on senior year - then the plan is over. Then I have to start making a new plan. So far the plan is this: keep teaching circus, keep choreographing my own works, and audition for every single company I can get my hands on (Cirque, Velocity, Neil Goldberg, 7 Doigts, and a few others) until something takes.
In the meantime, back to Tucson I go - in August, just as my lease is running up.
There are two things wrong with this plan.
1. Packing for a trip when you are packing to move = bad plan
Oh well, I will have fun, eat a lot of Eegees, spend a lot of time at the Epic Cafe, visit The Dojang, Zuzi, and anything else I can think of because I will not be home for Christmas - it will be a whole year before I am home again.
I think that accounts for all the updates to my life for now - see some of you in Tucson, see some of you in two weeks when I get back to the Eug!
Love for all!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Just a Blog
It's 6AM ladies and gentlemen, and I am enjoying the glory of summer - where I have the sleep schedule from HELL!!! Because it is simply way more fun just to sleep when you want, and be awake when you want, and lets be honest - the wee hours of the morn are just way awesome to be awake for. It is just so quiet and peaceful - totally conducive to creative thought. Most of us have the problem though that the only ways to get to the early hours of the morn are when we stay up all night, but then we are exhausted and can't get anything done, or we get up early, but then we are exhausted and can't get anything done.
But during the summer - I sleep from 9 to midnight, maybe stay up till 4am, go to sleep, wake up at 6, stay up till 8, and just basically do my entire day based on 2-5 hour naps. And every few days, I do a 12 hour sleep session.
So yeah, that's why I am awake at six in the morning. And I thought, since I don't have anything else I want to do, because I am a procrastinator and don't particularly want to write a poem about growing up and losing your childs view of the world and settling into reality, because that would be challenging, I am going to write a little bit.
So this summer, I planned on working on two projects, a human recreation of Thought Of You, and progress in the form of two new pieces for my Human Identity project, which I think I wrote about before, but to give you a reminder, I am going to explore human self identity through movement and spoken word (including dance, object manipulation, and aerial performance). I have finished the writing for "Passion" as well as most of the choreography, although I finished it just before my injury, so I may have to do it again - we'll see once I find a place to hang my aerial trapeze. I have also finished the writing for the Opening, which is about differentiation - the journey from a blank slate to a human being, which usually happens around when you are born. Babies have personalities, and this is a piece about how I view that working. Anyway, that one is mostly just a spoken word piece, I just need a very large pillowcase to sit in for it to work. So those are done, there are four more to write/choreograph (although the closing piece is just spoken word). I planned on writing the growing up piece (a corde lisse/rope piece set either to Björk or Puff The Magic Dragon, I am not sure yet) and the Cog In The Wheel (about getting a job and having it define your place in the world) which is a juggling/object manipulation piece.
Lots of writing to do, lots of choreography and exploration and object/personal research to do.
That was supposed to be my summer - mostly so far I have been enjoying myself. I figure I have a month and a half once I get back from Tucson, and I will be more than capable of getting all of this done in that time. I will probably get half of it done, and I am OK with that.
Oh, and in other performance art news, I am thinking of ways to step up my performance. I was confronted with a problem recently - I started researching fans (I don't say training, because I am not training - I am not learning tricks or technique, I am exploring the range of a particular object, in this case, fire fans) and realized they lend themselves so perfectly to be a companion of fire breathing. However, fire fans present a somewhat unique problem, unlike with fire torches, which can be manipulated together with one hand, one has to stand still while drinking fuel when using fire fans. There is no way to pass that off and be smooth about it. So I started thinking - how can I solve this problem. Solution: camelbak. Yeah - wear a camelbak full of fire breathing fuel, attach it to my shoulder, and all I have to do to blast flame in the air is take a drag from my little mouthpiece. All it has to do is be small enough to conceal under a robe without being too bulky, have a large enough bag (anything over 10oz is enough, which is all of them) and be easy to clean.
Also, I am working on a method for producing and extinguishing fire in my hand multiple times within a performance. I plan on doing this with a combination of Zip Poi and either Finger Flame or Fire From Palms. I'll give them both a look, since they are sold by a Tucson based company. With the combination of all three of these, I can conceivably produce fire from nothing, and then breath fire without taking a drink using my hands. IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES PEOPLE!!!
So - that is where my performance journey is at - choreographing the largest piece in my life to date, and special effects/hands free fire performance. Should be a good time. Also, hints for birthday presents can be found in the links above - just sayin.
On that note: my birthday is coming up in a few months here. Most people don't start thinking about that so far in advance, but it is the big two-one for me. Yep, I will no longer have to scour every show flyer for "21+ only" or tell my juggling friends "yeah, I know you want to go grab a beer and talk about awesome juggling and circus stuff, but I can't I have to go home and drink orange juice instead" or stay at home to watch Ducks Football - CUZ I WILL BE ABLE TO GO TO BARS! I am excited about the whole alcohol thing too - I like alcohol, it makes my brain fuzzy and makes me walk silly. It makes me more open about my emotions, and it temporarily makes me care less about the shit it my life (or, on rare occasions, it makes me care more - those are not fun days). But alcohol is not going to be the coolest part of being 21 - it will be the ability to go out with my friends to the Oak Street Speakeasy for Karaoke, or perhaps take a mosey over to 80s Night and have some fun there. Being 21 will open up a whole new aspect of society and interaction. Plus, drunk people are hilarious to analyze linguistically.
Also in the cards for me: I am moving! The lease on my house is almost up, and as much as this house has been a great place to live, I simply cannot deal with this noise anymore - when the girls upstairs walk around in heels, it sounds like gunshots - when they move a chair, it sounds like they are dragging their refrigerator. I love the floor heating, and the neighborhood, and the lovely park, and I love my room mates - but if I have to deal with one more year of skipping, one more year of drunken parties, one more year of girls upstairs talking where I can hear them, one more year of ceiling pounding "we just got engaged" sex (ok, that one is kind of over, but soon it will become "we are newlyweds" sex*), I will either put a bullet in my ear, or in the ceiling above my pillow. Srsly.
But yeah - I'm moving to an awesome house with a new friend of mine, gonna be a great place. It's halfway in between work and school and I'm very excited for that, pics to come once we get it set up (perhaps another foray into vlogging is in my future, should I decide to do a video tour again).
*Congratulations to Whitney, my upstairs neighbor, for her engagement to her boyfriend, Ben, who I get along with great - he is a fantastic guy, they are perfect for each other, and I wish them the best of luck.
On a related note, WHY ARE SO MANY YOUNG PEOPLE GETTING MARRIED! I mean, I know you are young and in love (I am not talking about Whitney here) but really? Getting married at 19 in this day and age is just asking for trouble. Sure, 80 years ago, when marriage (and the world) was a much different place, you could get away with that - just ask my grandparents, they have been married since... well, I'm not sure, but it was a long time... and have never been with anyone other than each other, and they are still together. And they never let me forget it. But really - 19 and you met the man/woman who you are going to spend the rest of your life with, and you have a part time job, so you decide that you can follow your heart and marry him/her and live together and be alright? Honestly, if you decide to do this - the best of luck to you both, I would never wish ill on you. But really - back in my grandparents day, back in the WWII times, things were different. You got a job at 20 (assuming you were not enlisted) and that is what you did. There was a greater sense of permanence and stick-with-it back then. Now we have colleges that encourage you to explore and see what you want to do, and once you graduate, they tell us that we have the rest of our lives to figure out what we want to do. That is not how it was. Back then, a 19 year old marriage was a not insane thing to do, because at 19, you actually were expected to be making decisions (or have them made for you) that would stick with you for the rest of your life. But now, we are expected to be making mistakes and "learning about me" for at least another 5 years. Why do we think, in this day and age, that it is acceptable to make decisions about a life partner (note - "life," because it is supposed to be till death do you part) when we know that we are not making decisions about job, lifestyle or anything else. It seems that we are lagging a little bit in this department. We have changed our society (with the advancement of medical technology so that our lives are longer) proportionally so that we take longer to get to an age where what we do is what we do forever, why has marriage not caught up?*
*Note: this was inspired by my Grandpa Bill, with whom I have had discussions about marriage and love and stuff like that, and I was trying to explain how my world is different from the world he grew up in, and while there is nothing wrong with what he and my grandmother did, that what happened there would be next to impossible in my world. However, I could not describe how the world was so different so as to explain why what I do, and what he did, are both reasonable things to do in their respective worlds. This is that explanation at is seems to me, as to why I should not be expected to do what he did in terms of a life partner or life career. I love you Grandpa.
This wasn't supposed to be a blog of little mini-rants, but that is how it is turning out, isn't it?
There are plenty more things I could update you on. I could talk about Faerieworlds, I could talk about my relationships, I could talk about my Blues Dancing adventures (not dancing to blues music, mind you, it is something different - google it), I could talk about... well, that's all I got, actually. However, I feel that this blog has gone on long enough, and I got enough of the "what's going on in my life" and the "what's going on in my head" to satisfy all of my readers, so I'm gonna call this one quits.
Goodnight(morning?) and as usual, if you have any comments (or questions about which brand of camelbak would be the best for my purposes *hint hint*) feel free to leave them in the box or in an e-mail, I always love to hear from people.
Love for you all,
But during the summer - I sleep from 9 to midnight, maybe stay up till 4am, go to sleep, wake up at 6, stay up till 8, and just basically do my entire day based on 2-5 hour naps. And every few days, I do a 12 hour sleep session.
So yeah, that's why I am awake at six in the morning. And I thought, since I don't have anything else I want to do, because I am a procrastinator and don't particularly want to write a poem about growing up and losing your childs view of the world and settling into reality, because that would be challenging, I am going to write a little bit.
So this summer, I planned on working on two projects, a human recreation of Thought Of You, and progress in the form of two new pieces for my Human Identity project, which I think I wrote about before, but to give you a reminder, I am going to explore human self identity through movement and spoken word (including dance, object manipulation, and aerial performance). I have finished the writing for "Passion" as well as most of the choreography, although I finished it just before my injury, so I may have to do it again - we'll see once I find a place to hang my aerial trapeze. I have also finished the writing for the Opening, which is about differentiation - the journey from a blank slate to a human being, which usually happens around when you are born. Babies have personalities, and this is a piece about how I view that working. Anyway, that one is mostly just a spoken word piece, I just need a very large pillowcase to sit in for it to work. So those are done, there are four more to write/choreograph (although the closing piece is just spoken word). I planned on writing the growing up piece (a corde lisse/rope piece set either to Björk or Puff The Magic Dragon, I am not sure yet) and the Cog In The Wheel (about getting a job and having it define your place in the world) which is a juggling/object manipulation piece.
Lots of writing to do, lots of choreography and exploration and object/personal research to do.
That was supposed to be my summer - mostly so far I have been enjoying myself. I figure I have a month and a half once I get back from Tucson, and I will be more than capable of getting all of this done in that time. I will probably get half of it done, and I am OK with that.
Oh, and in other performance art news, I am thinking of ways to step up my performance. I was confronted with a problem recently - I started researching fans (I don't say training, because I am not training - I am not learning tricks or technique, I am exploring the range of a particular object, in this case, fire fans) and realized they lend themselves so perfectly to be a companion of fire breathing. However, fire fans present a somewhat unique problem, unlike with fire torches, which can be manipulated together with one hand, one has to stand still while drinking fuel when using fire fans. There is no way to pass that off and be smooth about it. So I started thinking - how can I solve this problem. Solution: camelbak. Yeah - wear a camelbak full of fire breathing fuel, attach it to my shoulder, and all I have to do to blast flame in the air is take a drag from my little mouthpiece. All it has to do is be small enough to conceal under a robe without being too bulky, have a large enough bag (anything over 10oz is enough, which is all of them) and be easy to clean.
Also, I am working on a method for producing and extinguishing fire in my hand multiple times within a performance. I plan on doing this with a combination of Zip Poi and either Finger Flame or Fire From Palms. I'll give them both a look, since they are sold by a Tucson based company. With the combination of all three of these, I can conceivably produce fire from nothing, and then breath fire without taking a drink using my hands. IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES PEOPLE!!!
So - that is where my performance journey is at - choreographing the largest piece in my life to date, and special effects/hands free fire performance. Should be a good time. Also, hints for birthday presents can be found in the links above - just sayin.
On that note: my birthday is coming up in a few months here. Most people don't start thinking about that so far in advance, but it is the big two-one for me. Yep, I will no longer have to scour every show flyer for "21+ only" or tell my juggling friends "yeah, I know you want to go grab a beer and talk about awesome juggling and circus stuff, but I can't I have to go home and drink orange juice instead" or stay at home to watch Ducks Football - CUZ I WILL BE ABLE TO GO TO BARS! I am excited about the whole alcohol thing too - I like alcohol, it makes my brain fuzzy and makes me walk silly. It makes me more open about my emotions, and it temporarily makes me care less about the shit it my life (or, on rare occasions, it makes me care more - those are not fun days). But alcohol is not going to be the coolest part of being 21 - it will be the ability to go out with my friends to the Oak Street Speakeasy for Karaoke, or perhaps take a mosey over to 80s Night and have some fun there. Being 21 will open up a whole new aspect of society and interaction. Plus, drunk people are hilarious to analyze linguistically.
Also in the cards for me: I am moving! The lease on my house is almost up, and as much as this house has been a great place to live, I simply cannot deal with this noise anymore - when the girls upstairs walk around in heels, it sounds like gunshots - when they move a chair, it sounds like they are dragging their refrigerator. I love the floor heating, and the neighborhood, and the lovely park, and I love my room mates - but if I have to deal with one more year of skipping, one more year of drunken parties, one more year of girls upstairs talking where I can hear them, one more year of ceiling pounding "we just got engaged" sex (ok, that one is kind of over, but soon it will become "we are newlyweds" sex*), I will either put a bullet in my ear, or in the ceiling above my pillow. Srsly.
But yeah - I'm moving to an awesome house with a new friend of mine, gonna be a great place. It's halfway in between work and school and I'm very excited for that, pics to come once we get it set up (perhaps another foray into vlogging is in my future, should I decide to do a video tour again).
*Congratulations to Whitney, my upstairs neighbor, for her engagement to her boyfriend, Ben, who I get along with great - he is a fantastic guy, they are perfect for each other, and I wish them the best of luck.
On a related note, WHY ARE SO MANY YOUNG PEOPLE GETTING MARRIED! I mean, I know you are young and in love (I am not talking about Whitney here) but really? Getting married at 19 in this day and age is just asking for trouble. Sure, 80 years ago, when marriage (and the world) was a much different place, you could get away with that - just ask my grandparents, they have been married since... well, I'm not sure, but it was a long time... and have never been with anyone other than each other, and they are still together. And they never let me forget it. But really - 19 and you met the man/woman who you are going to spend the rest of your life with, and you have a part time job, so you decide that you can follow your heart and marry him/her and live together and be alright? Honestly, if you decide to do this - the best of luck to you both, I would never wish ill on you. But really - back in my grandparents day, back in the WWII times, things were different. You got a job at 20 (assuming you were not enlisted) and that is what you did. There was a greater sense of permanence and stick-with-it back then. Now we have colleges that encourage you to explore and see what you want to do, and once you graduate, they tell us that we have the rest of our lives to figure out what we want to do. That is not how it was. Back then, a 19 year old marriage was a not insane thing to do, because at 19, you actually were expected to be making decisions (or have them made for you) that would stick with you for the rest of your life. But now, we are expected to be making mistakes and "learning about me" for at least another 5 years. Why do we think, in this day and age, that it is acceptable to make decisions about a life partner (note - "life," because it is supposed to be till death do you part) when we know that we are not making decisions about job, lifestyle or anything else. It seems that we are lagging a little bit in this department. We have changed our society (with the advancement of medical technology so that our lives are longer) proportionally so that we take longer to get to an age where what we do is what we do forever, why has marriage not caught up?*
*Note: this was inspired by my Grandpa Bill, with whom I have had discussions about marriage and love and stuff like that, and I was trying to explain how my world is different from the world he grew up in, and while there is nothing wrong with what he and my grandmother did, that what happened there would be next to impossible in my world. However, I could not describe how the world was so different so as to explain why what I do, and what he did, are both reasonable things to do in their respective worlds. This is that explanation at is seems to me, as to why I should not be expected to do what he did in terms of a life partner or life career. I love you Grandpa.
This wasn't supposed to be a blog of little mini-rants, but that is how it is turning out, isn't it?
There are plenty more things I could update you on. I could talk about Faerieworlds, I could talk about my relationships, I could talk about my Blues Dancing adventures (not dancing to blues music, mind you, it is something different - google it), I could talk about... well, that's all I got, actually. However, I feel that this blog has gone on long enough, and I got enough of the "what's going on in my life" and the "what's going on in my head" to satisfy all of my readers, so I'm gonna call this one quits.
Goodnight(morning?) and as usual, if you have any comments (or questions about which brand of camelbak would be the best for my purposes *hint hint*) feel free to leave them in the box or in an e-mail, I always love to hear from people.
Love for you all,
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
An update on the blog: Family, please read
So some of my readers are my family, and most of them are fairy un-tech savvy, so I made their jobs easier by putting them on the e-mail list, meaning that whenever I publish a blog, it gets sent to their inbox. This has led to some confusion in the past - they think that I wrote the blog for them and anger is usually the result of this miscommunication. SO! I wanted to remind all of my readers for whom this is the case that I am not writing these blogs for you. They are not targeting you. These blogs are about my life and my thoughts on my experiences. I know how this blog began - as a way to keep my family informed on what I was doing in school, my classes, my friends, my relationships whathaveyou. It has morphed into a forum for me to put my philosophical internal debates into words and then share them with all of you. I have found it incredibly therapeudic to put my thoughts in words and present them to my friends and family. I am going to make an effort to balance my philosophy blogs with actual updates as to the physical, rather than the mental, "Wandering" that I am doing in my life, I know some of you have missed that.
However, philosophy and all of that self-discovery crap that people my age go through is not going to go away. I am a very well put together person, but I still have issues, I still have questions, and I still have unresolved emotions. Those will all get put into this blog as they have, and will continue to be, alongside the re-addition of the updates to my life.
So that is the direction this blog is going. The philosophical posts will still be just as controversial, they will be centered around gender, sexuality, society and its effect on me and other people like me, and other things of that nature. There will still be posts like Cracked Glass and the post about the burning piece of paper. I personally think those were two of the most important things I have written since I started this thing, and posts like that are not going to go away. I want to make that perfectly clear.
I am aware that some people in my family are not ready to hear what I have to say. I accept that - it is your choice, and I can't change your mind. If you want me to take you off the "send to" list, I will be happy to do so, and you can always request to be put back on it later if you change your mind - you are always allowed to change your mind. I am going to try to be better about tagging my posts with labels, and say whether it is a philosophy or a life related post, so if you want, you can stay on the list, and ignore the posts you don't want to read. I know my family loves me, and wants to be involved in my life, and to know what is going on, but I know that I have said some pretty out there things that clash with their world view, and that is OK. I will completely understand if you want to stop receiving my posts.
SO! I head back to Tucson in 17 days (AAAHHHH!) and move out of my house. This is terrifying. I am going to be leaving two people who have been significant pieces of my life, and the first space that I really had the liberty to make my own, and I have to leave it behind. But I suppose that's life - I get to move on to a new space and make it my own now. I've been working hard on my circus stuff, more updates on that a little later, and honestly, I am excited for my senior year of college - it seems so recent that I started - but I am ready to get on with my life and start spending my days creating the things I want to create.
I love you all, and thank you for listening to what I have to say.
~Fenix Thomas Cobbledick
However, philosophy and all of that self-discovery crap that people my age go through is not going to go away. I am a very well put together person, but I still have issues, I still have questions, and I still have unresolved emotions. Those will all get put into this blog as they have, and will continue to be, alongside the re-addition of the updates to my life.
So that is the direction this blog is going. The philosophical posts will still be just as controversial, they will be centered around gender, sexuality, society and its effect on me and other people like me, and other things of that nature. There will still be posts like Cracked Glass and the post about the burning piece of paper. I personally think those were two of the most important things I have written since I started this thing, and posts like that are not going to go away. I want to make that perfectly clear.
I am aware that some people in my family are not ready to hear what I have to say. I accept that - it is your choice, and I can't change your mind. If you want me to take you off the "send to" list, I will be happy to do so, and you can always request to be put back on it later if you change your mind - you are always allowed to change your mind. I am going to try to be better about tagging my posts with labels, and say whether it is a philosophy or a life related post, so if you want, you can stay on the list, and ignore the posts you don't want to read. I know my family loves me, and wants to be involved in my life, and to know what is going on, but I know that I have said some pretty out there things that clash with their world view, and that is OK. I will completely understand if you want to stop receiving my posts.
SO! I head back to Tucson in 17 days (AAAHHHH!) and move out of my house. This is terrifying. I am going to be leaving two people who have been significant pieces of my life, and the first space that I really had the liberty to make my own, and I have to leave it behind. But I suppose that's life - I get to move on to a new space and make it my own now. I've been working hard on my circus stuff, more updates on that a little later, and honestly, I am excited for my senior year of college - it seems so recent that I started - but I am ready to get on with my life and start spending my days creating the things I want to create.
I love you all, and thank you for listening to what I have to say.
~Fenix Thomas Cobbledick
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