So some of my readers are my family, and most of them are fairy un-tech savvy, so I made their jobs easier by putting them on the e-mail list, meaning that whenever I publish a blog, it gets sent to their inbox. This has led to some confusion in the past - they think that I wrote the blog for them and anger is usually the result of this miscommunication. SO! I wanted to remind all of my readers for whom this is the case that I am not writing these blogs for you. They are not targeting you. These blogs are about my life and my thoughts on my experiences. I know how this blog began - as a way to keep my family informed on what I was doing in school, my classes, my friends, my relationships whathaveyou. It has morphed into a forum for me to put my philosophical internal debates into words and then share them with all of you. I have found it incredibly therapeudic to put my thoughts in words and present them to my friends and family. I am going to make an effort to balance my philosophy blogs with actual updates as to the physical, rather than the mental, "Wandering" that I am doing in my life, I know some of you have missed that.
However, philosophy and all of that self-discovery crap that people my age go through is not going to go away. I am a very well put together person, but I still have issues, I still have questions, and I still have unresolved emotions. Those will all get put into this blog as they have, and will continue to be, alongside the re-addition of the updates to my life.
So that is the direction this blog is going. The philosophical posts will still be just as controversial, they will be centered around gender, sexuality, society and its effect on me and other people like me, and other things of that nature. There will still be posts like Cracked Glass and the post about the burning piece of paper. I personally think those were two of the most important things I have written since I started this thing, and posts like that are not going to go away. I want to make that perfectly clear.
I am aware that some people in my family are not ready to hear what I have to say. I accept that - it is your choice, and I can't change your mind. If you want me to take you off the "send to" list, I will be happy to do so, and you can always request to be put back on it later if you change your mind - you are always allowed to change your mind. I am going to try to be better about tagging my posts with labels, and say whether it is a philosophy or a life related post, so if you want, you can stay on the list, and ignore the posts you don't want to read. I know my family loves me, and wants to be involved in my life, and to know what is going on, but I know that I have said some pretty out there things that clash with their world view, and that is OK. I will completely understand if you want to stop receiving my posts.
SO! I head back to Tucson in 17 days (AAAHHHH!) and move out of my house. This is terrifying. I am going to be leaving two people who have been significant pieces of my life, and the first space that I really had the liberty to make my own, and I have to leave it behind. But I suppose that's life - I get to move on to a new space and make it my own now. I've been working hard on my circus stuff, more updates on that a little later, and honestly, I am excited for my senior year of college - it seems so recent that I started - but I am ready to get on with my life and start spending my days creating the things I want to create.
I love you all, and thank you for listening to what I have to say.
~Fenix Thomas Cobbledick
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