Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I am proud to announce that I am establishing an actual routine rather than just haphazardly writing and studying when I can. I am going to a place called Perugino every Tuesday and Thursday before work. It’s this amazing little coffee shop, with amazing lattes and even more amazing baclava (although they didn’t have any today, much to my dismay…) and I am going to try to write each Tuesday when I come here. So that’s what I am doing, being that it is Tuesday!

I said last week that I was going to go see CATS, and so I did. The singing was incredible, and the acting likewise. The show declared in its program that dancing would not be the focus, and it wasn’t much to my dismay. The music was also significantly lacking, and it didn’t have that punch that we have all come to expect from Andrew Lloyd Webber shows. However, I did fall in love. The actress who played Victoria (for those who are unfamiliar with the show, Victoria is the pure white cat, and is traditionally the best dancer, because she is always in front and has a couple solos in the show) was absolutely magnificent given the small stage, and I honestly could not staring at her for the whole 2 hour show. Her name is Chelsea Morgan, and I met her after the show and took a picture and did, to the best of my ability, keep my mouth shut. I’m going to see it again on the 27th, and I can’t wait.

On a slightly related note, Kat and I broke up yesterday, and it was quite possibly the best break up all time, and I won. I mean I won in the fact that I broke up with her first. Her whole purpose in coming over yesterday afternoon was to break up with me, and during an awkward silence, she broke first and said “what are you thinking about?” and that allowed me to say what I wanted to. Her response was, with a goofy grin, “are you serious?” We broke up because the spark of a relationship was gone, and we had been better friends than significant others since the start of winter term, so we decided to make it official. So everything is good, and we are still going to be great friends.

Circus news: I finished editing my Aerial demo video, and it is online for your viewing pleasure at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GMJ3RL1jFM and I hope you enjoy it. I had to cut a lot of things out of the video, being that (especially for silks) I had over 18 minutes of footage, and it is a 3 minute song, so only the most dynamic things made the cut (that also show my range). I will make another video in 6 months or so, I think I can do better. I have quite a few acrobalance partners now. A girl named Isha who just might be the most adorable thing ever, a co-worker from bounce named Ashley, who was certainly not lacking in people staring at her last night when she came to juggling club, and Daniel, the guy who runs juggling club. We are actually working on some three person acro moves, and its going well. I am getting stronger all the time, and more graceful.

I did a lot of dancing this weekend at my friend Yona’s house, to some music by a band named Faun. I miss dance so much, and just being free to move. I missed movement, I have been so focused on tricks and technique, and I forgot what it was like to indulge the organic part of myself. I feel that since this weekend, I have felt more connected to myself and the people around me. Quite an extraordinary weekend with those people. AND THE HOUSE! I felt healthier and cleansed just stepping foot into that house. It was outside of the city limits, so at night, there are no lights, there are no cars, it is completely silent. I went outside for some air around 5 AM or so, and there was nothing. It was just me and the world, with no distractions. And if I had been wearing shoes and it had been warmer than 35 degrees with me in my short sleeve shirt I would have danced right there. But it was cold and muddy off the walkway and I had no footwear. So I just admired everything from the stoop. Sometimes (more often than we do, I think) we need to stop and reconnect ourselves. To look up and sideways and all around and see what is around us. Look at the blades of grass that make up that boring old field. To figure out what we are capable of when we free ourselves from what we think we can and should be doing – it is truly astonishing how much of my potential I have not been utilizing, and I will not soon make that mistake again. In addition to looking at the world around us more, we need to look at each other more. Touch our friends on the arm when we are talking, give hugs and kisses to say hello, instead of a casual “sup?” that expresses no love at all. We all have amazing people in our lives, and we need to spend more time letting them know how much we appreciate them.

So that’s my hippie rant, that is getting adopted into my life philosophy. Last weekend changed me for sure. And while I may not be there anymore, I can remember what it was like, and try to keep that feeling going as long as possible.

I think that’s all the updates I have from the front lines this time (after all, it has only been 5 days since my last blog – Friday: CATS, Saturday: homework and Yona’s house, Sunday: sleeping because I was up till 7AM on Saturday, Monday: juggling club. Yep, that’s everything.)

So, until next Tuesday, Adios, gute nacht, bonne nuit, good night and I love you

Oh, and languages are seriously cool (who knew German was beautiful? Cuz I didn’t! Never payed attention enough to it to hear its beauty)

And now, off to work with my favorite girls at bounce, and then spend all night stretching so as not to re-injure my back...

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