So I am going to try to keep a blog for everyone back home of the happenings of my life over here in Oregon, starting this week when I moved in. The first two entries have my own time stamps on them because I wrote them without internet a couple days ago.
So here we go
U of O moving in trip Entry 1
September 23, 2009 10:46
So once again, I’m in a hotel room, and I can’t sleep because I don’t sleep until midnight. And soon I will not be able to sleep because my dad will be snoring. So I am watching Mamma Mia! And writing this journal.
So we managed to navigate all the way from Tucson, AZ all the way to Eugene, OR without using a single I-anything, and used US routes and other roads like that. It meant that we could go slow (which was necessary, given the shitiness of my car combined with the really large amount of weight in my car) because there was not a single person around, cool for us indeed. So we got to enjoy the scenery of (or lack thereof) by ourselves. I did a lot of sleeping due to the large amount of sleep not had by me the night before (which I will have to write about another time – was a night worthy of at least a few words) so I missed out, but we did get to see lots of flatflatflatflat. And lots of buttes, and lots of shurbs.
And we finally settled in a town which took me two days to be able to remember the name of, and I can now tell you confidantly several things about it. First, it is called Tonopah. Second, it is one of the small towns in Nevada where brothels are not legal. This came as a shock to me, not that there were no brothels, but that brothels are legal ANYWHERE! We did pass some on the way, one of them was called the shady lady, and there was only one reaction that my father and I had: laugh for 5 minutes. So, everyone raise your hands if you knew that…
Moving on!
Tonopah, boring, small, and full of people who smoke way more than they should. Oh, and I should add that this was after more than 12 hours (straight with no breaks for more than gas) of driving. My ass hurt to say the least.
Day two was much the same, driving for a long time, with hoover dam in the middle. If you’ve never been there, do. It is something to see indeed (plus the new bridge they are building is gonna be a stunner when it is finished). The architecture is amazing, and the fact that it is so BIG. I knew hoover dam was large, but this was anything beyond my imagining. No kidding.
So, got past hoover dam and got to california, and got all the way to Reno (which I do not advise trying to get gas in, getting back on the freeway post tank-up is a nightmare) and I got a break after almost 3 hours behind the wheel. Then we drove the way to Klamath Falls, OR. We planned on staying there, but I said “Screw it, lets just go all the way to Eugene, I wanna get there tonight.” And so we did. We drove in the dark for 2 hours with ash falling all around us from the multiple wildfires going on at the time. When we got to Eugene, it was 9:30, and we had breakfast at Denny’s because it was next to the hotel (yes, 9:30 PM). This was in fact our 3rd breakfast is a row, given that there were no dinners at Tonopah the previous night that I could eat – so I had a veggie omlette. I still havn’t had dinner. I did have a lunch at 9:00 PM today at subway though…
Eugene day 2, I went to the admissions building and ironed out a payment issue (one of my scholarships hadn’t been applied, and that was a difference of about $13,000 per year) and then on to breakfast #4 (by far the best, french toast slathered with berrys and custard). Then we decided to go check a possible outlet for aerial work (they do gymnastics and aerial work).
Well, I get there, and they have a circus trap, 3 silks, to cordes, a floor covered in crash pads, trampolines, sky swings, bungies for trick training, and a tight rope. This is Bounce Gymnastics school looking to expand to become Bounce Gymnastics and Circus school. And I mean all kinds of circus arts, including acrobatics, juggling, circus and aerial trapeze (single point and static), and stilting. They have the facilities, and the financing, but what they lack, is teachers. I may have quite the job waiting for me in a couple weeks teaching aerial and other circus arts. Yeah, no shit. Benefits of the job (apart from getting paid) include free studio time on any of the equipment whenever there isn’t a class. So this is pretty much a dream gig. I’m gonna be teaching everyone from little 7-10s (what I’m used to) all the way up to beginning and intermediate adult classes. You should have seen the woman when I told her everything that I do, and how excited she was when I told her that yes, I do have teaching experience. So yeah, I’m excited to say the least.
The rest of the day consisted of me wasting time juggling in a quad and getting some more college type supplies. AND I SAW TEXAS!!! Well, his name is Mark, and I met him at orientation. And now I am in my room, waiting for tomorrow, which is check in and move in. I get to meet Evan, my roommate and see my new home for the next year. Very exciting times, and I will write some more the next time I get a chance.
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