So a lot has happened since my last entry. I have made a couple friends, one of whom I think is going to be a very good friend, had coffee with the head of a christian organization on campus gotten my first taste of rain, had my first class and stayed out till 2AM shopping. Not kidding about any of that.
We’ll go by days (assuming I can remember one day from the next)
I left you on Thursday afternoon before my hall meeting, which was (shocker here, people) a meeting about staying safe on campus. Including not having exorbitant amounts of sex, and if you do, don’t get noise citations for it (I heard some of that last night from across the street). Alcohol stuff, drugs stuff, don’t be a moron stuff. Which was followed by us going to a big to-do at the EMU (student union equivalent of the U of O). That was really fun at times, and ridiculously boring at others… Fun times included some dancing with Alex, being cynical with Megan, watching crazy people dance to the concert outside and there were black lights in the fishbowl (the big room that animal house was shot it) and so I did some glowy contact juggling in there, and impressed some people and maybe recruited someone too! I know that doesn’t sound like a lot of fun stuff, and it wasn’t – I spent about 3 of the four hours being very bored indeed. This was pre-meeting new friends.
SO! On to Friday!
This is what happens when I take too long to write an entry – I forget things. I have no recollection of what I did on Friday. AH YES! Casino night, again at the EMU. This name is a bit misleading, there was far more than that. It was huge. There were carnival events going on in the east lawn area, there were info booth set up all over the place (including an LGBTQA booth that gave me more information about their group than I could handle – yes people, I am finally getting involved in an organization) and a concert outside. There was a “hit a friend with a pie” booth and a “put on funny hats and take a picture” booth and a giant trampoline with bungees and I pulled off a back flip (not a back tuck, there is a difference) and a double back tuck. Yay on me. AND THEN! The casino opened, and we played some seriously fun Texas Hold ‘Em. And we were really competitive, and then we asked someone to find out what we were playing for (the more chips you cashed in with, the more raffle tickets you had in the raffle). Turns out the raffle was for a pizza. And we stopped caring about winning and just made outrageous bets. Which was fun. Until Ben got a straight flush and took… well, I believe it was upward of $2000 in chips. Let me make this clear, you are only given $1000 to start with. He did well that night (although, did not win the pizza). Then there was (terrible) Karaoke, and lots of Beatles rock band (Revolution is the greatest song ever) and then I crawled back to my dorm at 2AM. It was this day that I found out just how well my roommate and I are going to get along. I can in at 2AM, and he wasn’t home. He got back 20 minutes later, and he was hanging out with some friends. We have gotten in within 30 minutes of each other every single night without fail, be it 2AM, or 10PM. Its awesome.
Saturday was by far the best day so far. The majority of the day was boring, I went and got my books and school supplies (which I do not recommend getting in the same trip when you are on a bike, they are very difficult to get back to your room if you only have one backpack). The rest of the day was filled with youtube and lunch and 2 hours of ultimate frizbee. It was seriously intense. Evan (my roommate) and I slogged out way up the stairs to our third floor dorm and collapsed. This was followed by a very amazing dinner – because we were starving. BUT THEN! Graham (guy I met an intoDUCKtion – yes, it is a terrible pun, and yes U of O is full of them: DUCK the flu and so on and so forth) invited me over to his room to hang out, and we all ended up in his friend’s room with 4 other people. This total of 6 people turned into about 20, at which point we decided we were officially a party and needed to move downstairs to the lounge. We then spent the next 2.5 hours playing childish camp games (mystery, screaming trees – I won that one, and a 20 person human knot along with other things of that nature). Then it was time for FREEBIES AT FREDDIES, which is where Fred Meyer is open only for university students and they have tons of discounts! Which is code for if you spend $60 on stuff you forgot, you will only spend $53. So: lots of stuff? Yes. Lots of discounts? Not so much. But I got myself a laundry hamper, and some detergent and some other stuff I needed.
But the best thing I found that night by far was allison. She was one of the girls at the “party” in Walton Hall, and when we were playing more childish games (never have I ever, Waah, things of that nature) while waiting for the buses to come for Fred Meyer (we were there for over an hour in the cold) Allison and I got to talking. When we got to the store, she asked if we could stick together and be shopping buddies, and we did. We had such a fun time, and I could not imagine shopping for a hamper to be so enjoyable…
Well, we are friends, we have meals together sometimes and I went over to her dorm the other night to watch waitress (till 2AM, and my roommate got back 15 minutes after I did that night too). Her carpet was amazing. It was a carpetgasm. While I was watching the movie I just couldn’t stop moving my feet around on it… and neither could she. And we got all hot and bothered talking about Keri Russell (star of waitress) and Johnathan Rhys Meyers (they were is August Rush together). Good night indeed. Followed by fantastic sleep.
I’m gonna end this one here so the entries are pretty short, and write entry 4 immediately.
Coming soon to a blog near you: Sunday, a day in which absolutely nothing happened, and Monday – juggling club and other fantabulous nonsense
Tuesday – class and the coffee I am drinking right now!
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