In order to get to the airport at 11:00AM, we (Emilie and I) had to lug out luggage a mile and a half to the train station, make a transfer to a bus in 2 minutes (which involved running with out luggage, her suitcase didn't have wheels) and then walk around the philly airport to find the right terminals on foot. Oh yeah, and did I mention the 3 hour layover for the 4.5 hour flight, and then two hour drive back to Eugene? If you do the math on that one and take time changes into consideration, it was roughly 15 hours of travel time. That. SUCKS.
Well, I got home, and now with the beautiful weather, I can appreciate the pages and pages of notes I have from philly. It was an experience that I am glad I had, not just for circus experience, but a cultural one as well. I have never been so scared as I was the first week there. I have never been so severe a minority as I was there. As a result of this, I can say with quite a fair amount of conviction that it was one of the most important experiences in my circus career and my cultural life, and I can also say with equal conviction that it is an experience I fully plan to never repeat as long as I live.
Oh, and just to smirk a bit - my weather widget claims that it is 96 in Tucson, and 63 in Eugene at noon. This makes me happy.
I got two packages this week: 2 new CD's from Carly, which I am listening to right now, and my new 4" contact ball, which is going to hide in the shade until the end of it's days.
Alright, I suppose I should write about Faerieworlds.
Faerieworlds, as Jacob says, is not nearly as gay as it sounds. It is a 3 day gathering to listen to amazing music, dance your legs off, hang out with amazing people, and dress up however you want. We had everything from your classic faeries with wings, so Avatar Chick, to your dark elves. We had lost boys and girls, stilters and demons, people who looked like they just came from ren faire, and many many others. I myself was a forrest nymph, and that was a good look, because it involved shredded shorts and shirts, and since we were in the sun all day at Mt. Pisgah, having ventilation was a good thing.
I was camping with Jeremy and Lyra... and Kat... and Gishe. And we were right next to Isha and Corey and Daniel and Yona and Moksha. It was a very beautiful camping circle.
We got to listen to Delhi 2 Dublin, Tricky Pixie, Brother, Faun, Stellamara, and many others (I chose to list these because these are the guys you should go check out) and dance for 3 days. We also got to do a wee little show. It was choreograhed and prepared in about 6 hours, and executed that night. It was a glow show, about the story (according to peter pan) of imagination and faeries. It came out not nearly as well as I had hoped, but it ended up much better than I could ever have expected. SO! I can now say I choreographed a piece for Faerieworlds. I can also say that I have taken part in the fire ceremony in front of about 5,000 people. This year, it was a duet, between myself and a belly dancer named LuLu. I did some torch spinning and a big fire blast. Oh, and this was after Faun. Yeah, I got to follow Faun and perform in front of about 5,000 people.
In the time when I was not dancing or performing, I was scurrying about the place having fun and talking to people and getting my picture taken for the register guard (newspaper). What was I doing to get myself in the newspaper you ask? Was I doing amazing acrobatics or juggling fire chainsaws? no. I was crouching. Not only that, I was not moving at all. I was crouched on one of the rocks in the stone circle in a somewhat gargoyle pose, and I was not moving. My guess is that over the weekend, about 50 or 60 people took pictures of/with me. And many more just stood there and watched me. I have never had such an easy time attracting people as when I did not move. How weird is that. So there is a picture of me in the sunday register guard of me on a rock. I am going to do this in downtown eugene to advertise our new exploits. Which I will now explain.
In other news, Lyra and I have decided to start a circus/performance arts troupe. It is named Kirkos Performance Arts. Technically it is Κιρκος, but I don't know many people who can read greek, so that looks like kipkoc, which is not right... Kirkos is greek for "ring" or "circle," and also where the word circus comes from, because the original circuses were horse tracks. The original circuses in greek and roman times were highly unique for their times as well. The circus was one of the only social events that both men and women could go to - and the only one where they could sit together. I liked that idea. So our goal is to bring circus and performance arts (including dance, theatre, and anything else we want) to the everyman.

So, using Jeremy's massive Faerieworlds contacts, we managed to get our first gig. We havn't started rehearsals yet, and we hve our first gig. We are starting at the top this time. We are performing on Halloween in Seattle, WA for Strowler Nights. Yeah. That's right. It's gonna be awesome.
I think that is all the updates from the front as of yet, but I will keep you guys posted as more interesting things develop.
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