DO do DOOO doooo... DOOdooDOOdoodooooooo (sorry)
Anyway, this is the final term of my undergrad career and it is gonna be awesome
CIS 110: introduction to computing
MATH 457: discrete dynamical systems
Those are my only two real classes
CIS: looks to be a total cakewalk, but it will be very useful in terms of website design and troubleshooting my mother's computer.
Math: I have heard amazing things about this professor (Prof. Ostrik), that he is brilliant and a great teacher. I'll believe that when I see it. He is incredibly russian, and I am gonna need a couple more days to get on top of it. I already figured out his version of "um" is "ahno" which I figured out is his lexicalized version of "I dunno"
For example
"And let's set the value of x to... i dunno... 4"
in Ostrikese
"Ant lesset value of esstoo ahno four"
As I said, going to take some getting used to, but I'll get there.
As for what the class is about, I have not the foggiest idea. I know it has to do with iterations and fractals to some degree
(Mandelbrot set) and other cool stuff. The reasons I am in this class:
1. It is one of the only classes that I can take to complete my major, and it won out over the other two options because
1a. Fourier II would have kicked my ass
1b. Complex II would have been doable but
2. My mathmates are not in those classes, and all three of us are in 457, so 457 it is. Without those three, all four of us would have failed Fourier I
Other classes:
Tap III: gonna be awesome as usual
Juggling II: skipped juggling I cuz, let's be serious, I don't need that. My goals:
5 ball cascade (normal juggling pattern with crossing balls rather than the circle)
3 ball every outside catches (put your hands on your thighs, the point your fingers out and palm up - then catch a ball like that)
3 ball back crosses (throws behind the back)
Drumming II: african drumming, with some salsa, tango, other beats from around the world. Hand drumming
Contact Improv: improvisation through bodily contact with one's environment, be it a wall, a floor, a broom, or a giant puddle of dancers
Partnering: a modern dance class, give you one guess what we do in this class
And that is my entire term. That's it. As I said, piece of cake.
I'm very excited to say that I am moving later this week, just a mile, but my life is going to get way easier and way more fun after this move. More news to come.